Digital Repository for Faculty of Medical Technology

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Basem rajab (12-2023)
Libyan Journal of Medical Research (LJMR), 2(17), pp. 22-32.
, 2(2), pp. 106-113.
Arij Abubakr Elfitouri Arebi, Eman Mohamed T Naas, Ibrahim S M Etbeni (12-2023)
مجلة العلوم الرياضية والمرتبطة, 35(4), pp. 314-329.
REHAB FARAJ ALI ALMAJRABI, Maryouma Mohamed Bashir Aghil, Mariam Abdalla Ali Elahjal, Muna Zuam Elkouha (12-2023)
Khalij-Libya Journal of Dental and Medical Research (KJDMR), 7(2), pp. 178-183.
Rehab El-Megrabi, Maryouma Aghil, Mariam Elahjal, Muna Elkouha (12-2023)
Khalij-Libya Journal of Dental and Medical Research (KJDMR), 7(2), pp. 178-183.
Rehab El-Megrabi*, Maryouma Aghil, , Mariam Elahjal, Muna Elkouha, (12-2023)
Khalij-Libya Journal of Dental and Medical Research (KJDMR), 7(2), pp. 178-183.
Abdussalam Eljabali, Hanan Mahmoud, Narjes Elghezawi (11-2023)
مجلة القلم, 6(2), pp. 749-755.