Digital Repository for faculty of Medicine

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El-Buni A. , Al-Edodi K, Refai A, BenDarif E. (12-1997)
جامعة طرابلس, 3(0), pp. 391-398.
El-Buni A., Edwebi H. , BenDarif E. (4-1997)
, 47(0), pp. 3-4.
Tarek Gibreel (1-1997)
14th ElMagharibi Conference for Veterinary Medicine, .
Al-Tubuly A.A., Spijeker R., Kirkland S.C., Pignatelli M., and Ritter M.A. (1-1997)
International Journal of Cancer, 71(0), pp. 605-700.
El-Buni A. , BenDarif E. (12-1996)
, 3(38), pp. 579-580.