Digital Repository for Department of Nuclear Engineering

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Karima M Elmasri (6-2022)
Libyan Journal of Ecological & Environmental Sciences and Technology(LJEEST), .
Zidan Mohamed M.Houmani (1-2020)
Journal of Basic and Environmental Sciences, 7(0), pp. 195-201.
S Elgriw, M Hubney, A Hirose, C Xiao (4-2018)
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 173(1), pp. 31-44.
Karima Elmasri, William David Evans, Yulia Hicks (6-2017)
All Wales Meeting , .
S. Elgriw, J. Adegun, M. Patterson, A. Rohollah (4-2017)
Fusion Engineering and Design, 123(0), pp. 148-152.