Master in Physical Education (Teaching)

Faculty of Physical and Sport Sciences {PESPS} - Department of Physical Education (Teaching)



This program is taught by the Department of Physical Education in Physical Education and Sports Sciences (PESPS), which has a strong tradition in teacher education and a history of success in producing outstanding teachers who are highly sought after by schools and colleges in Libya.

At the heart of the Department of Physical Education in Physical Education and Sports Science is the development of your educational competencies. The study lasts 4 semesters and will be spent mainly on applying the foundations and theories of scientific research to the study of teaching experience in local schools, during the study will receive the support and guidance of scientists with experience in the field. For the rest of the time, you will work in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science with scientific faculty who will prepare you for your research experience and guide you in making important connections between the theoretical and practical components of the study, preparation, and thesis.


1. Preparing research in the field of physical education and related sciences and raising the level of physical education and school sports through scientific research.

2. Expanding opportunities for the participation of researchers in the development and advancement of school sports and contributing to solving problems facing the design and implementation of school physical education programs using scientific educational research.

3. Strengthening the bonds of relations and bypass and scientific exchange between the Department of Physical Education and other departments in the corresponding colleges, universities, and relevant Arab and international organizations, as well as with youth and sports bodies and organizations at home and abroad.

4. Contribute to raising community awareness of the benefits of practicing sports activities.

5. Contribute to providing a helping hand to people with special needs in various institutions of society.


The targeted learning outcomes of the program are as follows:

In the aspect of knowledge and understanding: the student should be acquainted with the basic philosophical, educational, social, and psychological aspects of physical education and sports sciences. And applications of the principles and foundations of scientific research and methods of evaluation and measurement and their relationship to other sciences. It understands the systems of educational guidance and counseling and the rules for the management and organization of sports competitions and recreational activities. And teaching strategies, methods, and methods appropriate to achieve educational and educational goals. Using modern technologies used in teaching and learning

In the aspect of mental skills: the researcher should compare educational programs and curricula and methods of education and analyze the appropriate teaching skills to teach for different age stages in addition to his ability to identify difficulties and anticipate the challenges facing the educational environment and choose the most appropriate among the alternatives to solve them. It compares the methods of education, training, and assessment to take into account the individual differences between learners. And choose the most appropriate for various sports activities thus the researcher determines the modern educational techniques used in the field of education and scientific research.

As for the practical and professional skills: the researcher should be able to design educational models in the educational and service field and design and implement educational programs and units appropriate to the needs of the beneficiaries in the educational field. It is able to apply health security and safety measures in the school educational environment, as well as to use the results of studies and research in the development of school sports and educational centers and the link between theoretical sports sciences and applied sciences.

In the aspect of general and transferable skills: the researcher is able to manage time to make the most of the program. And able to use the means of communication and effective communication in the field of sports and various floating. Writing reports and notes and presenting them by various electronic means of communication creates a safe learning environment to ensure the effectiveness of learning. Hence innovation, criticism, and comparison in sports activities programs and curricula

Certificate Rewarded

The graduate is awarded a higher studies certificate (Master) in the field of physical education

Entry Reuirements

The student must have a first university degree (bachelor's) or its equivalent from the certificates recognized by the Standing Committee for the Equivalence of Academic Qualifications.

Students holding a higher diploma may be admitted provided that they download the university courses (remedial or complementary) determined by the department as set out in the regulations.

The applicant must have graduated from the undergraduate stage for a period of not less than one academic year.

Priority for admission is given to teaching assistants nominated for postgraduate studies from universities and higher education institutions according to the absorption of the scientific departments of the college without being charged with an entrance exam or differentiation.

Priority for admission is given to students nominated by public authorities based on approved and valid agreements and other candidates from public authorities, who are subject to the admission and differentiation exam in accordance with the procedures specified in the regulations.

Priority for admission is given to the number (3) of the first three students for each scientific department in the college for the fall and spring semesters without being charged with the admission exam and differentiation.

International students may be admitted and their admission procedures are subject to agreements concluded between the university and regional or international institutions.

Provide evidence of the employer's approval for employees to study part-time or full-time.

The student must pass the admission exams in the scientific and linguistic study requirements specified in the regulations.

Study Plan

The Master in Physical Education (Teaching) prepares students to qualify for Master in Physical Education (Teaching). The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 4 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 30 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
13-01-01-502-01 Statistic in the sports field 03 Compulsory +

13-01-01-503-01 The Sport Sociology 02 Compulsory +

13-01-01-501-01 Philosophy of physical Education 02 Compulsory +

13-01-01-508-01 Teaching Methods 03 Compulsory +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
13-02-01-550-01 Physical fitness 02 Compulsory +

13-02-01-529-01 Nutrition 02 Compulsory +

13-01-01-512-01 The curriculum in physical education 03 Compulsory +

13-01-01-504-01 Research Methods 03 Compulsory +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
13-01-01-507-01 Research Methods 03 Compulsory 13-01-01-504-01 +

13-01-01-509-01 Physical education programs 03 Compulsory +

13-01-01-506-01 Tests and Measurement 03 Compulsory +

13-01-01-505-01 Sport Psychology 02 Compulsory +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
13-01-01-510-02 Exercise allocative 03 Elective +

13-01-01-511-01 Recreation 02 Compulsory +

13-01-01-513-01 Evaluation 03 Compulsory +

13-01-01-515-02 Curriculum design in physical education 03 Elective +

13-01-01-520-02 Teaching and Learning Technology 03 Elective +

13-01-01-521-02 Motor Learning 03 Elective +