The second meeting related to the implementation of the doctoral study program

Today, Monday, June 5, 2023, the second meeting was held for representatives of the departments concerned with implementing the doctoral study program at the college within the gathering of science colleges in the first region. Mr. Prof. Jamal Al-Fardag, the academic advisor to the ministry, Mr. Prof. Dean of the college, and professors representing the zoology departments participated in this meeting.  Botany, chemistry, statistics, computers, earth sciences, and the coordinator of the doctoral program for graduate studies in the college, while the representative of physics was absent with an excuse. In this meeting, the minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and a preparation committee was formed to compile what was discussed today and in the last meeting, with the aim of preparing the necessary preparations for the program to be launched in cooperation with the targeted colleges in the first region.  With the beginning of the next semester, God willing.
