Bachelor in Dental technology

Faculty of Medical Technology - Department of Dental Technology



The Department of Dental Technology is one of the oldest scientific departments at the College of Medical Technology. It was established in 1995 AD, with the aim of preparing technicians capable of successful scientific practice in the field of dental technology. The educational program of the department includes that the student completes all the courses of the general stage, after which he moves to the specialization stage to study during six semesters (36) academic (theoretical / practical) courses distributed amongst specialized courses, supporting courses, and elective courses. The department includes a number of professors specialized in dental technology whom supervise the practical program in the department and provide students with scientific concepts and adequate answers. During his specialized studies, the student receives practical training in the laboratories of the college and the laboratories of the College of Pharmacy in his various fields of specialization, such as orthodontics, fixed and mobile prosthodontics, material properties, and the anatomy of the human neck and head.

After the student passes the final exams for the eighth semester, they devote themselves to internship training in dental laboratories, hospitals and specialized clinics for a period of six months for the purpose of acquiring skills and increasing practical experience. After the student passes the specialized stage and internship training, the graduate obtains a bachelor's degree in the field of dental technology.

Note: You can view the detailed courses on the pdf file


 The program aims to prepare a graduate capable of:

 • Working in the field of fixed dental prosthetics, complete and partial removable dental prostheses, therapeutic and cosmetic maxillofacial prostheses, orthodontics, dental implants, in addition to the professional handling of all devices, equipment and materials within dental technology laboratories.

 • Participation in forums, scientific seminars, and development projects.

 • Providing high-quality technical services to the community in the field of dentistry in various centers and hospitals.

 • Participation in research and scientific conclusion in the field of specialization.

 • Keeping pace with improvement and development in areas of specialization.


The educational program of the department was designed according to the latest scientific methods used globally to prepare the students of the department and qualify them so that the graduate of the department can work in specialized hospitals and clinics that include laboratories in the following specializations: manufacturing dentures components, developing various dental prostheses, technical work in the components of fixed and mobile prosthodontics and orthodontics . High-achieving graduates can continue their studies in dental technology by enrolling in a graduate program.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Dental Technology

Entry Reuirements

First: at the faculty level

To take into account the university's policies and instructions regarding    admission  rates and averages.

 The student must complete all the documents required to enroll in the       faculty.

  Second: At the level of the scientific department

 To meet the needs of the labor market.

 Admission should be competitive, according to the students' desires and the sequence of their averages in the general stage.

 The absorptive capacity of the scientific department.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Dental technology prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Dental technology. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 135 units, which include 28 units of general subjects, and 107 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AL141 Arabic Language 04 General +

Highlighting the beauty of the Arabic language and revealing the elements of originality and strength that are full of it, so that students increase their passion and interest in it.Close contact with our literary heritage and make students aware of its originality, diversity and comprehensiveness.Refine students' talents and develop their ability to understand the language, grammar, morphology and correct Arabic writing.Training students to write their scientific research, reports, and notes in correct writing, free of linguistic, stylistic, and spelling errors, and to facilitate the translation of many specialized texts.

BI153 Biology 05 General +

It is a natural science that deals with the study of life and living organisms, including their structures, functions, growth, development, distribution, and classification. Modern biology is a broad field consisting of many branches and sub-disciplines, but it includes some unified general concepts that link its various branches and all studies and research follow.

CH152 General Chemistry 05 General +

Course code and title General Chemistry (CH 152) Course coordinator Prof. Mohamed A. Fadel Department /Division offering the course The general department / Faculty of medical technology Departments teaching the course The general department Total credit hours 6 Hours / Week (5 credit) Language of instruction English Level of course (Year/Semester) 2020-2021 / First- Semester Date of specification approval by Council 2016-2017

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BS241 Biostatistics 04 General +

Course code and title ST 241 Statistics Course coordinator Department /Division offering the course The general department / Faculty of medical technology Departments teaching the course The general department Total credit hours 4 hours/week-(4 credit) Language of instruction English Level of course (Year/Semester) 2020-2021 / First semester Date of specification approval by Council 2017-2018

MP243 Medical Physics 04 General +

Course code and title MP243 Physics Course coordinator Department /Division offering the course The general department / Faculty of medical technology Departments teaching the course The general department Total credit hours 4 hours/week-(4 credit) Language of instruction English Level of course (Year/Semester) 2020-2021 / First semester Date of specification approval by Council 2017-2018

IT224 Information Technology 02 General +

Course code and title IT224 Information Technology Course coordinator Department /Division offering the course The general department / Faculty of medical technology Departments teaching the course The general department Total credit hours 2 hours / week – (2 credit) Language of instruction English Level of course (Year/Semester) 2020-2021 / First semester Date of specification approval by Council 2017-2018

EN242 English Language 04 General +

Course code and title (EL 242 ) General English and Medical Terminology Course coordinator Department /Division offering the course The general department / Faculty of medical technology Departments teaching the course The general department Total credit hours 4 hours/week-(4 credit) Language of instruction English Level of course (Year/Semester) 2020-2021 / First semester Date of specification approval by Council 2017-2018

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BC323 BIOCHEMISTRY 1 02 Compulsory CH152 +

PS336 Physiology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

MB333 Microbiology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

BC331 Biochemistry 03 Compulsory CH152 +

DT322 Oral histology 02 Compulsory BI153 +

DT327 Head and neck anatomy 02 Compulsory +

DT335 Dental material 03 Compulsory MP243 +

DT344 Dental anatomy 04 Compulsory +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DT424 Equipment 02 Compulsory +

EI427 Medical liability law 02 Elective +

EI426 First aids 02 Elective +

DT423 Oral health 02 Compulsory +

DT425 Oral microbiology 02 Compulsory MB333 +

DT431 II Dental material 03 Compulsory DT335 +

DT442 Dental anatomy II 03 Compulsory DT344 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DT527 Behavioral science 02 Compulsory +

DT523 Oral diseases 01 Compulsory DT322 +

DT524 Infection control 02 Compulsory DT425 +

DT525 Pharmacology 02 Compulsory BC331 +

DT526 Occlusal science 02 Compulsory DT442 +

DT541 Fixed Prosthesis I 04 Compulsory DT431 +

1. Gain clear view of the meaning of fixed prosthodontics field. 2. Giving information about using first and secondary impressions. 3. Methods of preparing diagnostic and working cast. 4. Principles of waxing up a single prepared tooth. 5. Understanding the principles of tooth preparation and taking bite registration. 6. Obtaining clear insight about the types of extra-coronal restorations.

DT542 Removable prosthesis I 04 Compulsory DT431 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DT644 Orthodontics I 04 Compulsory DT526 +

DT623 Dental imaging 03 Compulsory DT327 +

DT625 Research methods 02 Compulsory +

EL627 Human resource development 02 Elective +

EL626 Presentation skills 02 Elective +

DT641 Fixed prosthesis II 04 Compulsory DT541 +

DT642 Removable prosthesis II 04 Compulsory DT542 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DT725 Health management 02 Compulsory +

DT743 Orthodontics II 04 Compulsory DT644 +

DT742 Removable prosthesis III 04 Compulsory DT642 +

DT741 Fixed prosthesis III 04 Compulsory DT641 +

1- Understand the relationship between the lab and the dental clinic and getting a clear view of the procedure sequence. 2- Fabrication of temporary restorations in both ways direct and indirect techniques. 3- Understand the ways how to transfer the occlosal relationships from the patient mouth to the lab 4- Casting rules 5- Waxing up techniques for single crown and bridges and spruing design 6- Investing and divesting techniques 7-

DT734 Dental aesthetic 03 Compulsory DT641 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DT845 Laboratory training 04 Compulsory +

DT841 Fixed prosthesis IIII 04 Compulsory DT741 +

1. 1- Students completing Fixed Prosthodontics 2 will communicate verbally and in writing with competence and accuracy using all dental terminology related to fixed crown and bridge. 2- Students completing Fixed Prosthodontics 2 Crown and Bridge will integrate critical thinking, synthesis and analytical skills by analyzing procedures, comparing and contrasting esthetic features, and designing and constructing dental restorations that incorporate the principles of fit, form and function as well as sanitation and comfort at a level appropriate for an entry level crown and bridge technician.

DT834 Graduation project 03 Compulsory DT625 +

DT833 Maxillofacial prosthesis 03 Compulsory DT742 +

DT832 Dental implant 03 Compulsory DT741 +