Department of French Language

Word Of the Head Department of French Language

The year 1965 AD witnessed the birth of the Higher Teachers College, one of the faculties of the Libyan University, and it was established in the city of Tripoli with the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The French language department was one of the first departments of this young college to open, and during the first academic year eight students, five males and three females, graduated in the first class of the Higher Teachers College, in the academic year 1968-1969 AD. The educational process took place in the building now occupied by the College of Engineering in Sector A, which was then called the College of Higher Technical Studies. In 1970 AD, the name of the Higher Teachers College was changed to the College of Education, and the French language department remained in it until the year 1986 AD, when the authorities at that time prohibited learning foreign languages, so its size shrank to become a research unit affiliated with the Center for Humanities. And when the Language Center was established in the academic year 1988-1989 AD, the French language department became an important part of its parts. His students, as well as the increase in his professors from the Libyans, who reached the number in the year 2003 AD 24 professors, most of them holders of a doctorate degree.

In 1998 AD, a group of professors of the department established a program for postgraduate studies, within the School of Languages, one of the schools of the Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies. Dozens of holders of master's degrees in French language and literature have now graduated from it. The professors of the department have a noticeable and tangible active role in establishing the French language departments in other Libyan universities, especially in the western region, in the universities of: Al-Zawiya, Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi, Al-Marqab, and others.

The graduates of the department have contributed to many vital fields in the country, and many of them assumed leadership positions in the fields of education, translation, banking, media, politics and foreign relations.


The vision of the French Language Department is embodied in that the department be among the most promising and distinguished departments in its performance and scientific outputs, and that its educational context be committed to the requirements of local and international quality controls.


The mission of the French Language Department is to work and cooperate effectively with the university administration with the aim of providing an appropriate and appropriate educational environment for students, faculty members and employees, in a manner that ensures the achievement of the standards of the Center for Quality Assurance of Educational Institutions.


One of the objectives of the department, from its inception until recently, was to prepare teachers of the French language in the secondary stage, in addition to preparing its associates with a good linguistic preparation that enabled it to rely on them. Taking care of the development and investment projects carried out by Libya in most of the French-speaking countries of the world, and thereby increasing its political presence there.

Organizational Structure for Department of French Language

Facts about Department of French Language

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Academic Staff



