Master in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering - Department of Material Engineering



Programs The M.Sc.

 degree in graduate program in the Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department requires a minimum of 24 credits of courses, one credit of graduate seminar, and 6 credits for thesis with a total of 31 credits. Of these, the M.Sc. student can take a minimum of five elective courses in an intermixed fashion from metals and their alloys, ceramics, and polymers offered courses. The student can also orient his/her degree in one of the selected branches (metals, polymer, or ceramics) by choosing his/her 15 credit elective courses in one of these branches. Admission to the materials and metallurgical engineering masters program is through the standard graduate admission process of the University of Tripoli. The typical duration of the program is 36 months. A grade of C or better must be achieved in each course to obtain credit. An over

point average of at least 3.0 must be maintained each semester until the completion of program. 


1. The M.Sc. of Metals Branch program aims to provide the postgraduate student with advanced knowledge of the science and engineering of metallic materials and their alloys.

2. Courses are designed to cover most recent trends in the application of metals and their alloys and to present advanced levels for fundamental courses.

3. M.Sc. graduates should be capable of involving in materials selection, failure analysis, design of new materials, materials component processing and manufacturing, and quality assurance & environmental control.


2-Understand ethical and professional responsibilities

3-Use of modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

4-Use skills, modern techniques and tools required in the practice of material science and engineering

5- Design and conduct experiments and to collect, analyze and interpret data on the behavior of materials in engineering applications

6-Communicate effectively at personal level and through written reports and oral presentations.

Certificate Rewarded

Master of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering

Entry Reuirements

Admission to the Master's program in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering is through the standard admission process for postgraduate studies at the University of Tripoli. Hold a bachelor's degree in materials and metallurgical engineering

Study Plan

The Master in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering prepares students to qualify for Master in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 6 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 30 units, which include 3 units of general subjects, and 19 major units, 1 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE606 Applied Statistics and Computer Application 03 General +

Random variables, common discrete, continuous expectation and their applications, sampling of the mean, hypothesis testing of the mean and variance, confidence intervals and chi-square procedure,simple linear regression and correlation, precision and straight line fits, matrix approach, multiple linear regression, polynomial and extra sum of squares in linear regression analysis, transformation weighted dummy variables and special topics in multiple regression analysis,selection the best regression model, design of experiments, single factor and multi factor analysis of variance, application of statistical software package such as:MINITAB, SPSS, etc…..

GE609 Numerical Methods in Engineering 03 General +

Interpolation, linear interpolation, Lagrange and Aitkins interpolation polynomials, difference calculus, newton forward and backward difference formula, curve fitting, least squar approximation, fitting non linear curves, cubic spline, chebyshev polynomials, approximation with rational function ordinary differential equations, analytical and computer-aided solutions, boundary conditions, Tylor series methods.

GE604 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 03 General +

Review of ordinary differential equations, linear differential equation of first order, linear differential equations with constant coefficient, particle solutions by variations of parameters, power series solutions, method of Frobenius, legendres equations, Fourier-legendres series,Basel equations, modified Basel equations, Fourier method, Fourier series,Fourier of variables, waves and vibration in string, wave equation, longitudinal vibration in elastic rod, two dimensional stress system, Lapland equation

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MME612 Advanced Metallurgical Thermodynamics 03 Compulsory +

Advanced topics in thermodynamics as applied to metallurgy, topics include solutions,defect chemistry, multi-component systems, thermodynamics of surface and interfaces, phase transformation and modeling of thermodynamics systems.

MME620 Phase Transformation in Metals and Alloys 03 Compulsory +

The theory of different types of solid-solid transformation will be discussed in detail and the applicability to different metallic systems.

MME621 Structure of Metals 03 Elective +

Study the structure of solid solutions, intermediate phases and superlatices. Theory of metallic phase. Defect measurement by diffraction. Stress measurements by X-ray and other related topics.

MME622 Physical Metallurgy of Steels 03 Elective +

Structural defects in iron, plastic deformation in iron single and polycrystalline materials, effect of alloying elements in solids solutions, effect of second phase formation, heat treatment , high strength, tool and environmental steel,segregation, surface hardening techniques, tempering, aging.

MME624 Characterization of Materials 03 Compulsory +

Lectures and laboratory experience in both new and established techniques for micro structural characterization of materials. Techniques include TEM, SEM, X ray and electron diffraction, EDS and EELS.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MME623 Physical Metallurgy of Light Metals and Alloys 03 Elective +

Aluminum and its alloys, Mg-base alloys, Be-base alloys, Ti and its alloys, heat treatment and properties.

MME650 Advanced Materials Processing 03 Elective +

This course will focus on primary processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and its alloys, semiconductor processing, single crystal growth of Si, GaAs, thin film processing (physical and chemical vapor deposition), processing of advanced nano structures such as nano particles, nanowires, nanotube, grapheme. In addition this course will cover sustainable materials processing.

MME651 Advanced Topics in Corrosion 03 Elective +

Sour gas corrosion, sweet gas corrosion, corrosion in concrete, cathodic protection systems design and advanced topics in corrosion of high temperature materials.

MME660 The formation and structure of glass 03 Elective +

Glass formation,transition,structure and composition. Kinetic theory of glass formation. Properties of glass melts. Mechanical,thermal, electrical, electrical and optical properties of commercial silicate glasses. Glass ceramics, their making, properties and applications. Glass reuse and recycling.

MME661 Physical properties of ceramic materials “measurements and testing “ 03 Elective +

Physical and thermal properties and their tests and measurements, mechanical behavior and testing, electrical properties and their measuring, dielectric, magnetic and optical behavior, effect of time, temperature and environment on properties.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MME671 Crystal Growth 03 Elective +

Theories and techniques of growing crystals from solutions and melts, from vapor state. Recrystallization techniques, hydrothermal and related techniques. Growing crystals of refractory materials, methods of control of growth parameters.

MME698 Graduate Seminar 03 Compulsory +

This course help students to develop their research proposals, establishing and expanding their research skills and implementing their work through scholarly writing, which can be achieved through the seminar.The seminar course must to be taken in the second semester of the registration and managed by an instructor who is responsible to prepare the final grade list of all the registered students.Students must prepare and present their chosen topics through a scientific term paper, which can be shared and discussed with other students and department staff to gain their feedback.

MME674 Magnetic Materials 03 Elective +

Theories of various magnetic states,soft and hard magnetic materials, ferrites, materials for magneto-optics, preparation of magnetic crystals and thin films, magneto-optical media.

MME673 Superconducting Materials 03 Elective +

Theoretical aspects of the superconducting state in metallic and oxide systems, measuring parameters of superconductors, structure of superconductors,preparation and property determination, applications and performance.

MME672 Thin Film Techniques 03 Elective +

The theory and practice of thin film production by various techniques including vacuum deposition, chemical deposition, sputtering, epitaxy,…..etc. methods of measuring thin film parameters and properties, monitoring of structural changes in thin films.

MME670 Structure and properties of semiconductors and dielectrics 03 Elective +

Materials as related to interatomic bonding and crystal structure. Diffusion in semiconductors and defect specifics, electro electrophysical properties of semiconductors and dielectrics, dielectric breakdown, polycrystalline and amorphous semiconductors.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MME675 Energy materials 03 Elective +

This course is a material science approach to the challenge of energy efficient technology. It introduces the concept of materials energy content ( production,processing,use and recycling), description of how advanced materials make possible efficient energy harvesting (e.g, solar cells, nuclear materials, hard materials for oil/gas recovery, compo For wind Energy, thermoelectric), energy transformation (e.g, fuel cells, light emitting diodes, engines and turbines) and energy storage (e.g, hydrogen storage, phase change materials). Finally, materials enabling energy-efficient transportation and housing are discussed.

MME676 Composite Materials 03 Elective +

Review of all classes of engineering materials, composite fabrication methods, structure and properties of composite material's, fibers, resin, matrix, metal-matrix, and ceramic -matrix composites. macro and micro mechanical behavior of composites, physical-mechanical-nondestructive characterization techniques.

MME680 Structure and properties of polymers 03 Elective +

Recent development of polymer science, relation between molecular structure, morphology and properties, design of polymers to fulfill special functions, high modulus fibers, non-linear optical properties, conducting polymer systems and resins for composite materials.

MME690 Welding Metallurgy 03 Elective +

Fusion welding process, heat flow in welds, weld thermal cycle, metallurgy of fusion weld in:work hardened metals and alloys, precipitation hardening materials, transformation hardening materials.

MME691 Advanced Casting 03 Elective +

Solidification in metals, solid solutions and eutectic alloys, control of structure and grain size, advances in pattern and core production, advanced casting techniques, specific in casting of aluminum-, magnesium-, copper-, nickel base alloys, steel and cast irons, solidification control techniques, advances in casting design, inspection and control in foundry practice

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MME692 Advanced Mechanical Metallurgy 03 Elective +

Advances in theory of plastic deformation of materials theories of brittle and ductile fracture, fatigue in different metallic systems, creep theories and their applications in heat resistance materials, effect of bonding and type of microstructure on flow behavior and fracture.

MME693 Wear and Oxidation of Metals 03 Elective +

Recent theories of adhesive and abrasive wear effect on environment, theories of lubrication, combined effects of wear and oxidation, high temperature of oxidation of metals and alloys, effect of environments, wear and oxidation in cement industry, other engineering problems, wear prevention.

MME697 Special Topics 03 Elective +

The topics are not listed in department programs and may vary from year to year according to interests of students and instructors.M.S. students choose and study the topics under the guidance of the department coordinator. Typical contents include advanced fields of study according to recent scientific and technological developments in the related areas. Also, it could be studied from other related departments after getting the permission.

MME699 M.Sc. Thesis 03 Compulsory +

-learning objectives outcomes postgraduate materials and science students will demonstrate an ability to:1- Identify, formulate and solve materials engineering problems.2-Understand ethical and professional responsibilities.3-use of modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.4- Use skills, modern techniques and tools required in the practice of material science and engineering.5- Design and conduct experiments and to collect, analyze and interpret data on the behavior of materials in engineering applications.6- communicate effectively at personal level and through written reports and oral presentations.