Bachelor in Mechanical Power Engineering

Faculty of Engineering - Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering



It is concerned with everything related to energy and its use technologies, including theories and techniques of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, refrigeration and air conditioning, power stations, internal combustion machines, solar energy, wind energy, water desalination, pumping machines, and more.Bench .


1. Expose students to the latest developments in the Thermal Power Engineering fields.

2. Provide students with the appropriate skills and tools to understand and contribute further to such developments.

3. Prepare specialized Thermal Power Engineers capable of understanding, formulating, and solving  problems in different fields of Thermal Power Engineering.

4. Enable students to have a background and the required skills to conduct high quality scientific research.


1- Applying knowledge in mathematics and engineering sciences.

2- Designing and completing practical experiments and analyzing their results.

3- Dealing with contemporary engineering problems and finding solutions to them.

4- Understanding the mathematical and physical foundations and adhering to professional ethics.

5- Lifelong learning.

6- Using engineering techniques and tools appropriately to implement experimental designs.

7- Working within the work team.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering in the field of Power Engineering

Entry Reuirements

Complete one of the following courses:

Thermodynamics I or Fluid Mechanics I

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Mechanical Power Engineering prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Mechanical Power Engineering. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 10 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 148 units, which include 56 units of general subjects, and 64 major units, 14 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE121 03 General +

Statics of particles; forces in plane and spree; statics of rigid bodies : Equivalent system of forces; equilibrium in two and three dimensions, work and energy, analysis of trusses, frames, and machines, free body diagram; kinematic; stability friction, centroids and center of gravity-lines, area and volumes. Moment of inertia of areas and masses

GE129 02 General +

GS111 03 General +

Waves: Wave equations, traveling waves and stationary waves; principles of superposition, Doppler effect. Sound; Definitions, velocity of sound in air and material media and its variation, velocity of transverse & longitudinal vibration in wires and rods. Echoes briefly. Optics: properties of light, the electromagnetic character of light; sources of light and their spectra, absorption & scattering, dispersion, polarization of light.

GS101 03 General +

GH141 03 General +

GH150 02 General +

Review to Arabic courses taken in high school including construction of Arabic sentence, spilling and punctuation.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GH151 01 General GH150 +

GS112L 01 General GS111 +

GS112 02 General GS111 +

GS102 02 General GS101 +

GH142 03 General GH141 +

GE129L 01 General GE129 +

GE127 Engineering Drawing 02 General +

Introduction; definitions, conventions. Instrument, dimensioning, some geometrical constructions; e.g., drawing of some polygons, parallel lines, line and arc tangents. Projection; theory, types of projection, one view projection, multi-view projection, first and third angle projection, applications, including missing line views. Sectional vie s; complete section, half section, pant section, removed sections, revolved section, and applications.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE222 03 General GE121 +

The course provides basic knowledge of the science of motion of particles and bodies, during which the student acquires the ability to:• Converting systems into mathematical models suitable for applying the laws of motion and drawing the free body diagram.• Studying the movement of particles and objects in isolation from the forces that cause them (kinematics).• Studying the movement of particles and objects under the influence of the forces causing them (kinetics).• Developing students' self-confidence by developing dynamic problem-solving skills.Introduction to dynamics. Kinematics of particles; Kinematics of rigid bodies. . D’Alembert’s principle. Kinetic energy of a rigid body in plane motion. Kinetics of rigid bodies in three dimensions; motion of a gyroscope. Introduction to mechanical vibrations.

GE133 03 General GS101 GS111 GS115 +

GE125 02 General +

GS115 03 General +

GS115L 01 General +

GS203 03 General GS102 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EE280 03 Compulsory GS101 GS112L +

ME210 03 Compulsory GS102 GS111 +

Introduction; historical background, units, definitions, concepts of heat, temperature, force and work. Closed system and control volume; equation of state for ideal gas; properties of pure substances. The first law of thermodynamic s, reversible and irreversible processes. The second law of thermodynamics.sand Its corollaries, temperature scale, entropy, closed system processes, steady and unsteady flow processes, thermodynamic cycles.

ME201 02 Compulsory GE127 +

GS206 03 General +

GS204 03 General GS102 +

GS200 03 General +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME309 03 Compulsory GS200 GS203 GS204 +

ME306 Theory Of Machines I 03 Compulsory GE222 +

Kinematics: Mechanisms, Classification, Velocity and acceleration by analytical and graphical methods, Force analysis. Introduction to the theory of cams. Gears: Terminology, Classification, Gear trains. Crank-effort diagrams: Flywheel effect on speed and energy fluctuations in engines

ME202 02 Compulsory GE129 GE129L +

ME204 Strength of materials 03 Compulsory GE121 GE133 +

Structural loading analysis: Types of structural loading, Classification of frames and beams, Statically determinate and indeterminate structures, Calculation of structure reactions. Loading diagrams (beams): The method of sections, Shear in beams, axial force in beams, Bending moment in beams; Shear, axial-force and moment diagrams; Step by step procedure, Shear diagram by summation; Moment diagram by summation; Shear force and bending moment relations. Deflection of beams:  Differential equation of deflection curve; Deflection by integration of the bending equation; Moment-area method; Temperature effects; Continuous  beams. Torsion:  Circular and non-circular solid shafts; Hollow circular shafts; Thin-walled tube: Shear center and shear flow. Introduction to stress and strain  analyses: Normal and shear stresses and strains; volumetric strains; Poisson’s ratio; Hook’s law; Engineering strains; True strains; Uniform deformation; Tensile tests; True stress-true strain curves; Point of instability

GH152 01 University requirement GH151 +

ME206 03 Compulsory GE129 GE133 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME215 03 Compulsory ME206 +

ME315 03 Compulsory ME206 +

ME302 03 Compulsory ME210 +

ME205 Stress Analysis I 03 Compulsory ME204 +

Stresses and Strains: Review; Principle stress and principle strain; Plain stress and plain strain conditions; Stress _ strain relationship; Constitutive relationships; Stress equilibrium equation; Couple equation; Compatibility relations Graphical Representation of stress and strain:  Stresses on oblique surfaces; Mohr's circle for stresses and strains. Stress concentration: In tension and compression; In torsion; Contact stresses. Beams: Bending and shear stresses; Deflection of non-uniform beams; Strain energy in bending. Stresses in bodies of revolution: Thin-walled cylinders; Thick-walled cylinders. Torsion: Non-uniform and composite shafts; Closed-coiled springs. Introduction to Failure theories: Static failure theories(Ductile failure and Brittle Failure); Maximum shear stress theory, maximum distortion energy theory, Maximum principle stress theory, Maximum principle strain theory, Mohr-coulomb theory, Yield surface for plain stress condition,

ME325 03 Compulsory GE222 GS204 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME261 03 Compulsory +

ME301 03 Compulsory ME201 ME205 +

ME322 03 Compulsory ME302 +

ME312 02 Compulsory GE222 GS203 ME210 +

ME317 03 Compulsory ME302 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME330 03 Compulsory EE280 GE222 GS204 +

ME310 03 Compulsory ME210 +

ME313 03 Compulsory ME312 +

ME365 03 Compulsory GS200 +

ME318 03 Compulsory GH152 ME306 ME312 +

9th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME402 03 Compulsory GS204 ME302 ME313 +

ME443 03 Compulsory ME302 ME310 +

ME490 02 Compulsory ME318 +

ME***2 03 Elective +

ME***1 03 Elective +

10th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME599 03 Compulsory +

ME***5 03 Elective +

ME***4 03 Elective +

ME***3 03 Elective +