ماجستير في الهندسة الكيميائية

كلية الهندسة - قسم الهندسة الكيميائية


وصف البرنامج

علي المنتسب للبرنامج 

-      أن يجتاز 25 وحدة دراسية من مقررات الماجستير موزعة كالتالي:

1.    خمس عشرة وحدة دراسية من المقررات الإجبارية.

2.   سبع وحدات دراسية من المقررات الاختيارية.

3. ثلاث وحدات دراسية للمقررات الاساسية

-  إتمام رسالة الماجستير بنجاح.

أهداف البرنامج

يهدف البرنامج لتأهيل المهندسين الكيميائيين للمساهمة في البحث العلمي وتحقيق متطلبات القطاع الصناعي في مجالات الههندسة الكيميائية المختلفة كما يهدف لربط القسم بالقطاع الصناعي في مجال تطوير العمليات الصناعية.

مخرجات البرنامج

البرنامج يؤهل المنسبين اليه ليكونوا فاعليين في المجتمه بتعزيز البحث العلمي لايجاد افضل الحلول للمشكلات الصناعية وافضل تصاميم العمليات وظروفها التشغيليىة 

المؤهل العلمي الذي يتحصل عليه الطالب

تمنح للخريج الاجازة العالية (الماجستير) في مجال الهندسة الكيميائية 

متطلبات الالتحاق بالبرنامج

على المتقدم للبرنامج ان يكون من حاملة البكالوريوس في الهندسة الكيميائية وان يجتاز امتحان المفاضلة 

الخطة الدراسية

يؤهل برنامج ماجستير في الهندسة الكيميائية الطالب للحصول على درجة ماجستير في الهندسة الكيميائية من خلال العديد من المقررات الدراسية التى وضعت بعناية لتغطي الجوانب المختلفة في هذا التخصص.

يمتد البرنامج على مدى 6 فصول دراسية يدرس خلالها الطالب 31 وحدة دراسية منها 3 وحدة عامة، و 15 وحدة الزامية. كما يدرس عدد 6 وحدة إختيارية من قائمة المقررات الاختيارية المقترحة. بالإضافة الى مشروع تخرج في مجال تخصصه

الخطة الدراسية للبرنامج الدارسي موضحة على الفصول الدراسية التالية:

المقررات الاختيارية

الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
ChE646 Process Optimization 03 إختياري +

Review 0f computerized material and energy balances, modeling of chemical and biochemical   processes.   Formulation   of   optimization   problems,   nature   and organization of optimization problems in the process industry, optimization theory and techniques (basic concepts, optimization of unconstrained functions, unconstrained multivariable optimization, constrained optimization, linear programming and nonlinear programming). Real Time Optimization (RTO) Calculus of variation and Pontryagin maximum principle. Energy Integration (IE), Mass Integration (MI and Pinch Technology

GE609 Numerical Methods in Engineering 03 متطلبات الجامعة +

Interpolation; Linear interpolation, Lagrange and Aitkin’s interpolating polynomials, Difference calculus, Newton forward and backward difference formula, curve fittings, least square approximations, Fitting nonlinear curves, Cubic spline, Chebyshev polynomials, Approximation with rational function ordinary differential equations, Analytical and computer-aided solutions, Boundary conditions, Taylor series method. 

GE606 Applied Statistics and Computer Application 03 متطلبات الجامعة +

Random variables; common discrete, continuous expectations and their applications; Sampling of the mean, hypothesis testing of the mean and variance, confidence intervals and Chi-Square procedures; Simple linear regression and correlation; precision and straight line fits; Matrix approach; multiple; Linear regression; polynomial and extra sum of squares in linear regression analysis; Transformation, weighted dummy variables and special topics in multiple regression analysis; Selecting the best regression model; Design of experiments; Single-factor and Multi-factor analysis of variance. Application of Statistical software packages such as: MINITAB, SPSS, etc.… 

GE604 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 03 متطلبات الجامعة +

Review of ordinary differential equations; linear differential equation of the first order; linear differential equations with constant coefficients; particular solutions by variations of parameters. Power series solutions; method of Frobenius; Legendre's equation; Fourier-Legendre Series; Bessel's equation; modified Bessel equation. Fourier methods; Fourier series; Sturm-Liouville theory; Fourier integral; Fourier transformation. Partial differential equations; heat conduction equation; separation of variables; waves and vibrations in strings; wave equation; D'Alembert's solution; longitudinal vibrations in an elastic rod; two dimensional stress systems; solution of Navier's equations by the application of Fourier transforms; Laplace equation.

ChE699 M.Sc. Thesis 06 إجباري +

Involves individual studies by students in the field of chemical engineering. The work must be original and the concept, data and the conclusions must contribute new knowledge to the field of engineering. The quality of the work must reflect the student's proficiency in research and creative thinking. Following preliminary studies and a literature survey on the thesis subject, each student will present his proposed thesis subject orally, and also submit a written proposal to the Graduate Studies for approval. On satisfactory completion of his thesis work, the student is required to make a formal defense of his research thesis.  

ChE698 Graduate Seminar 01 إجباري +

This course help students to develop their research proposals, establishing and expanding their research skills and implementing their work through scholarly writing, which can be achieved through the seminar. The seminar course must to be taken in the second semester of the registration and managed by an instructor who is responsible to prepare the final grade list of all the registered students. Students must prepare and present their chosen topics through a scientific term paper, which can be shared and discussed with other students and department staff to gain their feedback

ChE660 Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems 03 إختياري +

Transport equations for mass, momentum and energy in multicomponent systems; jump conditions at phase interfaces; the spatial averaging theorem and the method of volume averaging; flow in porous media. Darcy's law for one and two phase flows; dispersion of heat and mass in bundles of capillary tubes; the general problem of dispersion in porous media.

ChE658 Advanced Mathematics for Chemical Engineers 03 إختياري +

Introduction to modeling; formulation of momentum, heat and mass transfer models; macro and micro modeling; solution techniques for models yielding ordinary differential equations; solution techniques for models yielding partial differential equations (separation of variables and Laplace transformation). For ordinary differential equations, both analytical and numerical solution methods are taught, including series solution methods (power series and Frobenius method). For partial differential equations, different solution methods will be discussed, including numerical methods such as finite elements and finite difference methods, analytical methods such as separation of variables method, Laplace transformation methods. Visualization and analysis of the solutions will be emphasized through computer projects.

ChE656 Advanced Separation Processes 03 إختياري +

Forces for adsorption, equilibrium adsorption isotherms, sorbent materials, pore size distribution, heterogeneity, predicting mixture adsorption, rate processes in adsorption/adsorbers, adsorber dynamics, cyclic adsorption processes, temperature and pressure swing adsorption, membrane separation processes, polymer membranes, dialysis, electrolysis, evaporation, reverse osmosis, research projects.

ChE654 Process Integration 03 إختياري +

This course will give to students the basic knowledge about process integration, design and optimization of heat exchanger networks , mass transfer networks and waste minimization in process industries. Program: The hierarchy of chemical process design, composite curves, design and optimization of heat exchange network, mass transfer network, heat integration of distillation columns, heat integration of evaporators, heat integration of chemical reactor, waste minimization.

ChE652 Process Modeling and Simulation 03 إختياري +

This course gives students basic knowledge on process simulation, process synthesis principles, cost analysis and flow sheet optimization. Program: Basics on process 

ChE650 Air Pollution Control 03 إختياري +

Production, emission and transfer of contaminants through the atmosphere from stationary sources. Mathematical models of air pollution. Control concepts. Theory and design of control devices. Integration of pollution control in chemical engineering processes. Current research and development in air pollution control. Sources of air pollution. Risk assessment and the effects of pollutants. Air quality standards. Global warming, ozone layer. Meteorology. Regulation philosophies. Air pollution concentration models (1-3D, dispersion models). Control of particulate matter (gravity settlers, cyclones, electrostatic devices, scrubbers and filtration). Control of VOCs, SOx, and NOx Focuses on strategies and technologies for complying with air pollution control regulations. Introduces atmospheric mixing and dispersion modeling to describe impact of process air emissions on the environment. Examines chemistries of pollutant production and atmospheric fate of air pollutants.

ChE648 Water Pollution Control 03 إختياري +

Wastewater treatment objectives and methods. Design of facilities for physical and chemical treatment of waste water. Ecology of biochemical reactors, kinetics of biochemical systems, modeling of ideal biochemical reactors, design of facilities for the biological treatment of waste water. Topics include: Fresh Water Resources, Waste water sources, Water and wastewater treatment processes, Waste water Characteristics, Treatment objectives and regulations. Unit Operation and Design (Pre and Primary Treatment, Secondary Treatment and Tertiary Treatment processes), Disinfections.

CHE610 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 03 إجباري +

Laminar boundary layers and their solutions. Laminar stability and transition to turbulence. Basic equations of turbulent flow. Turbulent boundary layers. Non-Newtonian fluids. Constitutive equations for viscoelastic fluids. Flow through porous media, compressible flows. Multi-phase flow

ChE644 Polymeric Materials 03 إختياري +

The structure, morphology, and properties of polymers. Polymerization reactions, molecular weight characterization, and polymer processing and rheology. Viscoelasticity, Rubber Elasticity, and mechanical properties. Thermodynamics of polymer solutions. Application of chemical engineering principles to polymer and materials systems. Structures and properties of metals, ceramics and polymers. Thermodynamics, synthesis, rubber elasticity, Viscoelasticity, kinetics, rheology, and processing of polymers systems. Applications of statistics and problem-solving skills to materials systems.

ChE642 Biochemical Engineering 03 إختياري +

Enzyme kinetics and immobilized enzymes systems. Cellular growth, bio reactions, transport processes. Stoichiometry of microbial reactions. Analysis of bio reaction rates. Bioreactors modeling and design. Immobilization and immobilized cell bioreactors. Inhibitory effects in bio reactors. Optimization and control of bioreactors. Applications of microbiology and biochemistry to biochemical engineering. Kinetics and thermodynamics of biochemical reactors. Transport phenomena in biological systems. Bioreactor design and scale-up. Applies chemical engineering principles to the analysis and design of biological processes widely used in the pharmaceutical, food and 

ChE640 Heterogeneous Catalysis 03 إختياري +

Molecular theories of adsorption and catalysis. Solid-state and surface chemistry of catalysts. Diffusion and reaction in porous catalysts. Design, preparation and characterization of catalysts. Catalyst deactivation and regeneration. Catalytic process engineering: examples and case studies. Theoretical and experimental aspects of heterogeneous catalysis and surface science. Design, preparation, and characterization of catalysts. Kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions, thermal and diffusional effects in catalytic reactors. Case studies of important industrial catalytic processes. Theoretical and experimental aspects of heterogeneous catalysis and surface science. Design, preparation, and characterization, of catalysts

ChE635 Transport Phenomena 03 إختياري +

Analytical and approximate solutions of equations of mass, momentum and energy transport. Introduction to creeping, potential and laminar boundary layer flows. Description of heat and mass transfer in multicomponent systems. Interface momentum, heat and mass transfer.

ChE630 Advanced Mass Transfer 03 إجباري +

Advanced coverage of laminar and turbulent mass transfer theory for binary and multi component systems. The coupling between and mass, heat and momentum transfer and chemical reactions. Inter phase mass transfer. Applications in various fields shall be discussed. Study of traditional as well as contemporary rate controlled separation processes such as crystallization, chromatography, sorption, membranes, etc. Rate based models for distillation. Review of fundamentals and advanced treatment of mass transfer in multiphase systems.

ChE629 Metabolic Engineering 03 إختياري +

Microorganism as a microbioreactors; Industrially important microorganisms. Influence of bioreactor operation conditions on the bioreaction networks and regulation of metabolic pathways: fermentation physiology. Principles of metabolic engineering: Determination of the metabolic bottlenecks. Metabolic control analysis. Thermodynamic analysis of cellular pathways. Pathway design.

ChE628 Bioseparation Engineering 03 إختياري +

Separation processes in biological systems. Enzyme/cell isolation, product enrichment by methods of ion-exchange, filtration, centrifugation, chromatography, reverse-osmosis, precipitation, salting-out, electrophoresis, membrane separations

ChE627 Membrane Processes 03 إختياري +

Membrane concept. Principles of membrane separations and applications in biotechnology. Membrane preparation techniques, applications of membranes in stream purification in product recovery and in industrial wastewater treatment.

ChE625 Advanced Reaction Engineering 03 إجباري +

A study of the effect of temperature on conversion, stability, and product distribution in complex homogeneous reactions. Analysis of flow and mixing patterns and residence time distributions in chemical reactors. Kinetics of catalytic gas-solid reactions, mass and heat transport effects in catalysis. Design of catalytic fixed-bed reactors. Macro- and micro-mixing effects in homogenous reactors. Steady-state multiplicity & stability in homogeneous reactors. Transport/reaction interactions in gas-liquid, liquid-liquid reactions, and design of two-phase reactors. Theory of gas-solid fluidization and fluidized-bed reactors. Three-phase slurry and trickle-bed reactors. Advanced study of the factors involved in the design and operation of chemical reactors for both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems; batch reactors; continuous flow stirred tank reactors; tubular reactors; multi bed adiabatic reactors; cold shot cooling in reactors; determination of optimal temperature gradients and yields; catalyst effectiveness factors, optimal control with decaying catalysts.

ChE621 Phase Equilibrium Thermodynamics 03 إختياري +

Calculation of fugacities in gaseous and liquid mixtures. Theory of liquid solutions. Fluid phase equilibria at high pressures. Phase equilibria in condensed systems. Case studies

ChE620 Advanced Thermodynamics 03 إجباري +

Classical thermodynamics of phase equilibrium and stability. The phase rule. Ideal and non- ideal systems. Fugacity and activity coefficient. Phase equilibrium at moderate and high pressure. Activity coefficient models of local composition and group contribution. Equation of states and phase equilibrium. Liquid-Liquid equilibrium. Vapor-Liquid equilibrium Solid-Liquid equilibrium. Solid-Vapor equilibrium. Phase equilibrium by simulation. Phase and chemical equilibrium. Multi component system computations. Characterization of petroleum fractions. Applications to industrial process design. Physical and chemical equilibria in multi component systems, including chemically reacting and heterogeneous systems.

ChE615 Advanced Heat Transfer 03 إجباري +

Solution of steady and transient conduction and convection problems analytically and numerically. Fundamentals of convection boundary layer in laminar and turbulent flow Free and forced convection in pipe, Combined mechanisms of conduction and convection Free and forced convection in porous media. As examples, conduction, composite regions, non-linear boundary-value problem of heat conduction; convection, heat transfer in packed or fluidized beds, techniques to augment heat transfer; combined phase change problems such as condensation, heat pipes, cooling towers and ponds; radiation, such as furnaces, radiant interchange between surfaces separated by non-absorbing and non-emitting media