Bachelor in mathematics

University of Tripoli - Department of Mathematics



This program enables the student who joins it to qualify scientifically and pedagogically to teach mathematics in the basic and intermediate education levels. When the students finish all the requirements in this program, they obtain the Bachelor of Mathematics and Education.


1.     Preparing qualified teachers to teach mathematics at the basic and intermediate education levels.

 2.     Developing scientific research competencies to serve the local community.

 3.     Providing students with a scientific and mathematical subject that will limit them in their practical lives and the continuation of their studies.

 4.     Providing students with modern methods of teaching and learning mathematics in the middle school stages.

 5.     Developing students’ ability to think abstractly, innovate and innovate.

 6.     Developing students’ mathematical sense to reach correct results and infer them.

 7.     Students’ awareness of the role of Muslim and Arab scholars in discovering and developing mathematical knowledge.


a/ Knowledge and Understanding

The students obtain good understanding of mathematics and statistics and their applications.

The students will have the ability to use modern teaching methods such as active learning, cooperative learning, role-playing and multiple media in teaching mathematics and geometry.

The students will be able to innovate and use various appropriate strategies in teaching problem solving.

The students will be able to synthesize equivalent formulas for equations, inequalities and systems of equations, and the ability to solve them, with a level of skill, mentally, in writing, or using technology.

b/ Mental Skills 

The student will have the ability to use the language of mathematics to explain and analyse mathematical ideas accurately.

The student will be able to retrieve and remember information (= facts, principles, rules, laws and theories) as s/he has learned it.

The student will explain modern theories in the educational field.

The student will be able to form mathematical proofs and conclusions.

c/ Practical and Professional Skills

The use of modern technological methods in teaching mathematics.

The use of some electronic devices and equipment.

The ability to conduct scientific research and teaching plans annually, quarterly and daily so that they include all the elements of a good lesson plan.

The ability to prepare a questionnaire to collect specific data.

d/ General Skills

The ability to use modern technical tools in teaching.

The ability to pronounce properly, demonstrate and converse.

The ability to apply mathematical concepts and problem solving in diverse contexts.

The ability to work effectively in a team and understand multiple points of view.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor in Science and Education  (BSc & Ed)

Entry Reuirements

The applicant must have finished secondary school or its equivalent with a general good grade, and with a mathematical grade that is not less than very good.

The applicant should pass an entrance exam and a personal interview.

Admission according to the regulations of the Faculty of Education Janzour and the University of Tripoli.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in mathematics prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in mathematics. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 138 units, which include 46 units of general subjects, and 82 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ES161 Basic Principles of Education 02 Elective +

Introducing the student to the concept of the origins of education, the characteristics of the concept of the origins of education, the goals and importance of education, the principles and types of education, and the relationship of education to other sciences (psychology, philosophy, history, sociology), and enlightening the student about the development of education through the ages, and education through ancient civilizations, education among the Egyptians, Chinese, and Greeks Romanians), and enable the student to learn about education in Renaissance societies, socialization


Mathematical statistics is a development of probability theory subject with the help of some mathematical theories to be combined into what is called probability distributions (continuous and discrete). Both are used according to the form and type of data related to the random variable and according to its purpose, as it can be used in solving some issues and problems related to daily phenomena in various fields. . And identify some measures related to the random variable such as the expected value, variance, standard deviation, the molar function of moments, some inequalities such as (Markov inequality) and (Chipchev inequality), central and decentralized moments, and some related and discrete probability distributions such as (uniform distribution - binomial distribution - Poisson distribution - normal distribution...etc).

ST230 Introduction of property 03 Compulsory ST120 +

It is a scientific, mathematical and statistical subject that is given in the third chapter. It includes the basic concepts of probability theory, defining the random variable of its two types, namely the discrete and continuous random variable, probability distributions, sampling distributions, statistical estimation, and hypothesis tests.


It is a scientific, mathematical and statistical subject given in the second semester. It is represented in organizing statistical data and methods of presenting them in tables and graphics, then summarizing them numerically by calculating measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, denominations, percentiles, skewness and kurtosis coefficient, and studying the relationship between the two variables through correlation and regression.

GC112 02 General +


A basic subject taught in the first semester in which the student studies the basic topics in mathematics as follows: 1- Groups, inequalities, methods of solving them, relations, functions and their types (algebraic and non-algebraic), learning to analyze functions in terms of scope and range, drawing functions, unilateral, superlative, even and odd functions, inverse functions, the limit of functions, the laws of limit and limit on one side, continuity of functions and methods of finding them. 2- Derivation of functions, theories and laws of derivation, implicit derivation, trigonometric functions, their limits, continuity and derivation. 3- Differentiation applications (incremental and decreasing functions - Rolle's theory and the middle value - the maximum and minimum limits - concavity, convexity and inflection points - and drawing curves

GCZ111 02 General +

The inclusion of this course in the scientific departments of the college, and it is considered a general subject in the departments (English, Physics, Chemistry, Kindergarten, Classroom Teacher, and Sociology). The Arabic language with its various sciences, including grammar, texts, and spelling, so that the student graduates from these departments having possessed the correct writing tools, avoiding common linguistic and spelling errors.This is done by dividing the lessons of the Arabic language 1 into sections as follows: First: grammar lessons, in which the following vocabulary is studied: (speech sections, words and their types, noun, verb and letter, noun signs, verb signs, noun sections in terms of declension, singularity and plural, In terms of definition and indefiniteness, in terms of syntax and construction, the verb sections are the past tense, the present tense and the imperative verb. Muthanna and its types, plural types: the masculine plural of salim, the feminine plural of salim, the plural of taksir. The original signs of inflection, the secondary signs of inflection. Second: Text lessons: where the student is trained to deal with the text in understanding, interpretation and memorizationThe texts are of various types, from a Quranic text, another prophetic text, and a poetic or prose literary text. Third: Dictation lessons, and its vocabulary is (drawing the hamza at the beginning of the word, drawing the hamza in the middle of the word, drawing the hamza at the end of the word. With an alert to common mistakes and how to overcome them..

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GC121 Arabic II 02 General GC111 +

GC122 Islamic Studies II 02 General GC112 +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GC231 Arabic III 02 General GC121 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GC241 Arabic IV 02 General GC231 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GC354 Measurement and evaluation 02 General GC234 +

The course aims to provide the student with the most important basic concepts in the field of measurement and evaluation and to define their role in the educational process, as well as addressing the definition of educational measurement and evaluation and identifying its characteristics, importance, objectives, tools, fields, levels and types, all the way to achievement tests and their types, types and methods of preparation and verification of their validity and reliability. Preparing and developing its standards in the light of analyzing its results.

EC356 02 General +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MA358 Programming using MATLAB 03 Compulsory +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MA485 Teaching Practice 04 Compulsory PH478 +

Teaching Practice is considered an essential pillar of teacher preparation and training programs and compulsory courses, as it contributes to preparing the student/teacher in preparation for his practice of the teaching profession and providing him with the information, skills, values ​​and attitudes necessary for him in his performance as a future teacher. It includes a number of activities, some of which take place in the college and others. In the cooperating school, where he gets involved in the real classroom situation to play his role as a trainee teacher who implements a set of activities under the cooperative supervision between the college and the Department of Education administration.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite

This course presents the study of solving a system of linear ordinary differential equations by ellipsis and algebra of matrices - identifying the theorem, quality and limitation - the use of series in solving linear differential equations of the second order with variable coefficients about ordinary points and single points (Forbenes method) - hypergeometric equations and Bessel's equation - equation Lager-Legendre equation-Hermit equation

MA235 SCHOOL MATHEMATICS 1 03 Compulsory +

This course helps students prepare for teaching for the intermediate education stage, the second part, by studying and analyzing mathematics curricula according to scientific and educational standards and foundations, through studying the scientific material for books of the stage (7-9(

MA24 REAL ANALYSIS 1 03 Compulsory +

The course is one of the compulsory specialization courses for students in the mathematics program given in the fourth semester, in which the student studies the algebraic properties of the line of real numbers R, the absolute value, its properties and basic theorems, as well as the perfect property of real numbers and some of its basic theorems, and the study of the concept of convergence of sequences, neighborhoods and cumulative points, and to identify the topology on in compact and related groups, their accumulation points, and the concept of continuity.

MA242 Mathematical logic 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to teach the student to study the logic of propositions, to identify the tools of relation to propositions, the types of propositions, to know the laws of algebra of propositions, and to study informal logical systems. Its types are partial quantum, comprehensive quantum, and methods of proof with mathematical stability

MA243 VECTOR ANALYSIS 03 Compulsory MA231 +

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of vectors and their analysis. Directional functions, scalar domain and vector domain, it also deals with finding gradient, divergence and involution. Linear, superficial and volumetric integrals. This course aims to develop the student's ability to define the integral theorems in vector analysis.

MA245 SCHOOL MATHEMATICS 2 03 Compulsory +

The course is one of the compulsory specialization courses for students in the mathematics program. It is given in the fourth semester. This course aims to comprehend and prepare for teaching for the intermediate education stage by studying the topics of mathematics curricula and their analyzes according to the scientific and educational standards and foundations, by studying the scientific topics prescribed for the intermediate education stage (10-12). Where the student gets acquainted with the methods of presenting the educational material in the textbooks and the extent of the suitability and compatibility of these books with good presentation methods, and to know the extent to which they achieve the goals, standards and principles of the school mathematics curriculum.

MA264 STATICS 03 Compulsory MA121 +

This course contains an adequate study of vectors, finding the resultant of a group of vectors that are represented in force vectors, whether these vectors are in a plane or in a vacuum, and studies the basic concepts of force, the moment of a force about a point and around an axis, and duality. It also deals with equilibrium for a group of forces that do not meet in the triangular space and in two dimensions, and reactions. This course aims to develop the student's ability to determine friction, slip and overturning, and the moment of inertia.

MA351 REAL ANALYSIS 2 03 Compulsory +

A practical course that is given in the fifth chapter and depends on the material Real Analysis 1 and is considered a complement to the real curriculum 1 where it studies the differentiation of real functions and the derivative theorems for algebra of functions and the relationship of function differentiation with the continuity of the function and deals with an analytical study of differentiation theorems (Roll's theorem of the mean value of differentiation and Taylor's theory and L'Hubetal's rule) and some related theorems With maximum values, minimum values, and critical points, it studies Riemannian integration, how to divide space, integration by continuity, its relationship to steady functions, properties of algebraic integration, and integration theories, including the basic theory of integration, methods of integration, the study of defective integrals, their convergence and divergence, and the third and final topic studies sequences of functions from where they are introduced Point and regular convergence, convergence relationship with continuity of functions, point convergence relationship with regular convergence, convergence with differential convergence, and convergence with integrable functions.

MA352 Abstract Algebra 03 Compulsory +

A scientific subject taught in the fifth chapter. It deals with the study of the algebraic properties of any abstract group with binary operations defined on it. The study begins with the group property (meaning group - partial group - commutative group - circular group - regular group - division group - associated groups - group order - substitution group - Lagrange's theory - group morphology and the nucleus of symmetry - and some theories on symmetry - as well as exchanges


This course introduces students to the basic concepts of differential equation - order - degree - linear and nonlinear differential equation - the origin of the ordinary differential equation. It also deals with the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the ordinary differential equation and aims to develop the student's ability to determine the ordinary differential equation of the first order and its general image and methods of solving it, as well as aims to enhance students' skills in finding ways to solve linear differential equations of higher orders that are homogeneous and heterogeneous and with fixed coefficients, transformations Laplace and its applications.

MA356 DYNAMICS 03 Compulsory MA264 +

The student is introduced to the basic concepts of particle kinematics and motion in a straight line. This course is considered the second entrance to mechanics after statics. In this course, the focus is on the force acting on a body, and the change it causes on the body from a change in motion, regardless of the resulting change in the shape of the body. And its size, as well as equilibrium, movement in one dimension, in an inclined plane, curvilinear motion, uniform circular motion, Newton's laws, centripetal and centripetal force, friction, projectile motion, impulse, collision, recoil, work, power, potential energy, Conservative energy and the law of conservation of energy.

MA357 COMPLEX ANALYSIS 1 03 Compulsory +

The student is familiarized with complex numbers and algebraic operations on them, and acquires the skills of dealing with functions in complex variables from elementary functions and studying them in detail, as well as studying the topology of the complex plane, the graphic representation of complex functions and the polar representation of the complex number, and learns the classification of irregular points and the derivation of complex functions and transformations in the complex plane

MA362 ABSTRACT ALGEBRA 2 03 Compulsory +

A basic scientific subject that is given in the sixth semester, and its study depends on abstract algebra 1, which is an extension of it. It specializes in studying the algebraic properties of abstract groups, and begins with the loop property (its definition - the partial loop - the integer region - the sequences - and the cyclic morphology - the nucleus of morphology), as well as the study of the property of the field and some theories that It connects the domain to the loop and the right region

EC236 02 General +

The general objective of including this course in the scientific program is to familiarize the student with the basic skills in teaching and to provide the student with positive attitudes towards the teaching profession and to introduce the student to the educational goals, their levels and classification, and to distinguish the student between general and specific goals and to introduce the student to the characteristics, characteristics, duties and roles of the multiple and varied successful teacher in teaching as well as to introduce the student It focuses on the nature of teaching and the traditional and modern view of teaching. The course also contributes to providing the student with the ability to plan some of the lessons prescribed for primary school students.


The course is considered one of the compulsory specialization courses for students in the mathematics program. It is given in the sixth semester, in which the student gets acquainted with the concept of learning, teaching, and the educational process in mathematics in terms of goals, content, teaching methods, evaluation, method of solving problems in mathematics and its applications, and learns ways to draw teaching plans for lessons in mathematics and methods of presentation according to The plan is by examining some examples of applications taught on topics from the sports courses at the secondary level.

MA367 COMPLEX ANALYSIS 2 03 Compulsory MA357 +

Complex analysis course 2 is given in the sixth semester. Through this course, the student is introduced to advanced topics of great importance in complex analysis, including sequences and series in the complex plane, studying their divergence and convergence, important theories to study their properties, and when the analytical function can be represented by a series such as power series and others. In this course, the student learns about complex integration in a detailed manner with several important and well-known theories such as the Cauchy theory of integration, the independence of integration from the path, the loop theory and its generalization, the Cauchy integral formula, and the classification of tensor points, in addition to learning about the different methods for calculating remainders and the remainder theorem (sediments) and how Using the theorem to find improper real integrals and their different types.

MA368 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce the student to the numerical problems that may face us when building numerical algorithms to solve some math problems numerically, and to familiarize the student with basic numerical methods and how to use them to find approximate numerical solutions to some of these problems that are difficult to solve by algebraic or analytical methods. It specifically enables the student to explain the use of numerical methods in solving various scientific issues when it is difficult or impossible to solve them by analytical methods, and the use of numerical methods to find approximate solutions to the issues raised with the use of a computer such as derivation and integration, also the application of numerical integration to calculate non-integrals Able to be calculated through the original functions, matrix analysis, getting used to using matrices with a large dimension, training in exercises in the lecture, searching on the Internet, and finally simplifying methods to find a solution to equations that need more than one method clearly and accurately


Introduction to operations research, transmission and distribution, allocation issues, network analysis, substitution (substitution theory), game theory, concept queues, systems and solutions, inventory theory, economic concepts and solution arithmetic.


The Partial Differential Equations course is considered the second entry for ordinary differential equations, in which the student learns the origin of the partial differential equation, and the linear partial differential equation of the first order. It aims to study the Pfaff equation and solve the nonlinear first order partial differential equations. The second explores the solution to boundary values issues, as well as the method of separating variables, the use of Fourier series to solve the partial differential equation, and applications to partial differential equations such as the heat equation, the wave equation, and the Laplace equation.

MA475 02 General MA365 +


An elective course given in the seventh or eighth semester. It focuses on the study of linear spaces, metric spaces, normative spaces, Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces. The student also studies linear operators and functions while identifying their properties and related theorems.


This course aims at an introduction and examples of the mathematical model for simple linear programming problems, the concept of the graphic method for solving linear programming problems, including the solution area and vertices, the system of equations, including the standard formula, the pivot, the class selection rule, determining the objective function, knowing the simplified method in two phases, improvements (revisions) and the method includes Simplified modified arithmetic, coupling, sensitivity analysis including discrete variables and parametric programming, finite variables, integer programming

MA484E INTEGRAL EQUATION 03 Compulsory +

An elective course given in the seventh or eighth semester, in which the student studies the integral Volterra equation definitions - functions to be solved - deduction - the decomposed nucleus of the Volterra equation and methods of its solution - the method of successive approximations to the Volterra equation Linear integral Friedholm equations: definitions - functions whose solution is - solving the Friedholm equation by separating the nuclei - the method of determinants - recurring nuclei - orthogonal nuclei - eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of homogeneous equations and methods of solving them by separating the nuclei.


An elective course given in the seventh or eighth semester and focuses on studying the importance of the history of mathematics (an overview of the historical heritage - the importance of studying the history of mathematics - the duty of Arabs and Muslims towards their historical heritage) The development of mathematical science: the development of its history - the counting systems of the Egyptians and the Romans - the Indian Arab decimal system - the Babylonian system - the development of geometry - the development of trigonometry. Famous Muslim scholars in mathematics: Al-Khwarizmi, Thabit bin Qurra, Abu Kamel Al-Masry, Al-Karkhi, Nasr Al-Din Al-Tusi.

MA48E GENERAL TOPOLOGY 02 Elective MA231 +

An elective course given in the seventh or eighth semester, in which the student studies topological spaces, their properties, and theorems related to them. The student also studies them as a generalization of what he studied in the real analysis courses.


MA231 GENERAL MATHEMATICS 3 03 Compulsory +

It is a practical, mathematical development subject for the Math 1 and 2 course in two dimensions or more. It is given in the third semester. It aims to provide the student with a background in knowing functions with more than one variable, finding their scope and range, the connection of these functions, finding partial derivatives, the total derivative, the directional derivative, linear integrals, double and triple integration and its applications in coordinates. Polar, cylindrical, and spherical in order to study advanced courses. This course also deals with infinite series.

EC235 02 General +

The course is presented to the student through lectures, and reliance on the educational assignment, which depends on collecting the theoretical concepts of the lesson and the possibility of applying them in the school, in addition to the educational dialogue that depends on the exchange of ideas, in addition to the use of learning

EC246 Bases of Curricula 02 Elective +

The course is presented to the students of the College of Education in all their specializations. The course is concerned with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the curriculum and the importance of studying it. It also recognizes the concepts related to the school curriculum, its foundations, pillars, elements and types, and to understand the great burden that falls on it as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. To provide opportunities for fruitful thinking and learning.

EC364 Research Methodology 02 General EC354 +

EC475 Mental Health 02 General EC355 +

ES115 general psychology 02 Elective +

The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of psychology, its development, objectives, branches, schools and research methods in it, the nature of motives and emotions that direct human behavior and mental processes (sensation, attention, perception, remembering and forgetting, intelligence, and learning).

ES355 Developmental Psychology 02 Elective +

Provide scientific research and its importance 1. The student should become acquainted with the subject of growth-induced obscurantism (advancement) 2. The student should be able to understand the importance of studying developmental psychology 3. The student should gain experience in research methods in developmental psychology 4. The student should become acquainted with the principles and laws of growth Influencing factors in developmental psychology

GC123 English II 02 General GC113 +

GC235 Computer I 02 General +

GC245 Computer II 02 General GC235 +

MA232 SET THEORY 03 Compulsory +

A scientific subject that is given in the third semester and is considered one of the basics of mathematics. In it, the basics of groups are studied from the definition, properties, types and algebra of groups in a detailed analytical way, as well as the Cartesian multiplication of groups and the relationship between groups and their types, and then the study of functions is a comprehensive study of the definition and algebra of functions and their types and contrastive, even and odd functions and some related theories And the study of finite and countable groups. As for the last topic, it studies congruence and is concerned with linear identity and divisibility of numbers and some related theories.


A mathematical scientific course, which is a development of the planar analytical geometry course given in the second semester. It aims to provide the student with a background on the coordinate system (Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical), knowledge of vectors in space, the numerical and vector product, the concept of the plane and the line in the triangular space and the surfaces of the second degree (standard images of the equations of the sphere - Cylinder, cone, ellipse, hyperbolic surface, parabolic ellipse, parabolic hyperbolic surface).

MA122 03 Compulsory +

MA121 2 GENERAL MATHEMATICS 03 Compulsory +

It is a scientific and mathematical subject given in the second semester. It aims to provide the student with a background in the basic concepts of integration, methods of integration and its applications in order to study advanced courses in the program. This course deals with definite integration, indefinite integration, methods of integration, applications and theory of integration


This course covers the coordinate system (Cartesian, point) and the relationship between them. Point and slope (distance between two points - division of line segments inside and out). Vectors (in two dimensions): the concept of vector - displacement - projection - vector algebra (addition - scalar multiplication in a vector - cross multiplication) the angle between two vectors. Coordinate change: displacement - rotation - displacement and rotation together. Straight line (different forms of the straight line equation). Statement of the first degree equation in two variables - the distance of the point from the straight line - the angle between two straight lines - the angle bisector between two straight lines - the statement of the first degree inequality in two variables - the parallel and perpendicular lines - the family of straights. Circle (The different forms of the equation of a circle - the equation of the tangent to the circle - the axis and the base center.) Conic sections: the standard form of the equation for sections (parabolic - minus - plus) and the tangent equation for them.

MA112 LINEAR ALGEBRA I 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to make the student aware of the basics of linear algebra, by focusing on matrices and the operations defined on them - algebraic properties of operations on matrices - special types of matrices - the pivot of the matrix - elementary operations on the rows of the matrix - reduced scalar matrices - the inverse of the matrix and its properties - determinants and their properties - Using determinants to find the inverse of the matrix - linear equations - solving homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear systems