Bachelor in Physics

faculty of Education Janzour - Department of Physics



This program of knowledge of science methodologies. The program also aims to prepare teachers in physics for the basic and intermediate education stages, and he can continue his postgraduate studies.



1. - The ability to comprehend and understand scientifically.2. - Organized thinking based on the sequence of steps to reach conclusions3. Writing reports and scientific research from various sources: traditional sources such as books and periodical references, electronic sources such as the Internet, and field sources such as questionnaires and interviews.4. - Commitment to the ethics of the teaching profession.


All intended learning outcomes should be written according to the program objectives, and each intended learning outcome should be given a number or code for referencea. Knowledge and understanding:Good understanding of physics and its applications.- The ability to use modern teaching methods and methods such as active learning and cooperative learning. - The ability to devise and use a variety of appropriate strategies in teaching physics and acquire an in-depth knowledge of describing modern physics methodologies needed for teaching.- Basic knowledge of multiple and diverse teaching methods that focus on creative and applied solutions.B. Mental skills:- The ability to link between physical theories and their applications in the practical aspects.The ability to understand physical phenomena and their interpretations based on physical concepts.Realizing the daily applications of most physical phenomena in our daily life and how to interpret them.- The ability to integrate knowledge from interdisciplinary fields to design, develop and evaluate new solutions to meet the challenges of modern teaching.

c. Practical and professional skills:

    - Use of some electronic devices and equipment.

      -The ability to conduct scientific research and annual, quarterly and daily teaching plans that include all elements of a good plan.

 -    Using modern technological methods in teaching physics.

     - The student should prepare a scientific research compatible with the standards of scientific research (preparation and development).

    - Students educationally and scientifically), and producing creative research that serves the community.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Science and Education

Entry Reuirements

1- He must have obtained a high school diploma in the scientific section or its equivalent2- The applicant must pass an entrance examination and a personal interview.3- The student must be healthy enough to continue his studies

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Physics prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Physics. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 141 units, which include 42 units of general subjects, and 73 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EC116 02 General +

Introducing the student to the concept of the origins of education, the characteristics of the concept of the origins of education, the goals and importance of education, the principles and types of education, and the relationship of education to other sciences (psychology, philosophy, history, sociology), and enlightening the student about the development of education through the ages, and education through ancient civilizations, education among the Egyptians, Chinese, and Greeks Romanians), and enable the student to learn about education in Renaissance societies, socialization

ES115 general psychology 02 Elective +

The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of psychology, its development, objectives, branches, schools and research methods in it, the nature of motives and emotions that direct human behavior and mental processes (sensation, attention, perception, remembering and forgetting, intelligence, and learning).


The course of temperature and properties of one of the initial and compulsory courses for students in the physics program and the study of this course must be passed by the student in order to be allowed to download other courses based on it.The course is also concerned with the study of the thermal expansion of solid and liquid bodies and the anomalous state of water. And the concept of thermal equilibrium, the amount of heat and the methods of heat transfer, as well as the properties of fluids in the state of rest and in the state of motion, as the student learned about the rules of Pascal and Archimedes (buoyancy force) and the phenomena of surface tension and capillary property and that the student gets acquainted with the concept of static equilibrium, elasticity and the basic laws of thermodynamics

GC111 02 General +

The inclusion of this course in the scientific departments of the college, and it is considered a general subject in the departments (English, Physics, Chemistry, Kindergarten, Classroom Teacher, and Sociology). The Arabic language with its various sciences, including grammar, texts, and spelling, so that the student graduates from these departments having possessed the correct writing tools, avoiding common linguistic and spelling errors.This is done by dividing the lessons of the Arabic language 1 into sections as follows: First: grammar lessons, in which the following vocabulary is studied: (speech sections, words and their types, noun, verb and letter, noun signs, verb signs, noun sections in terms of declension, singularity and plural, In terms of definition and indefiniteness, in terms of syntax and construction, the verb sections are the past tense, the present tense and the imperative verb. Muthanna and its types, plural types: the masculine plural of salim, the feminine plural of salim, the plural of taksir. The original signs of inflection, the secondary signs of inflection. Second: Text lessons: where the student is trained to deal with the text in understanding, interpretation and memorizationThe texts are of various types, from a Quranic text, another prophetic text, and a poetic or prose literary text. Third: Dictation lessons, and its vocabulary is (drawing the hamza at the beginning of the word, drawing the hamza in the middle of the word, drawing the hamza at the end of the word. With an alert to common mistakes and how to overcome them..

GC112 02 General +

GC113 02 General +

PH110S GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 03 Compulsory +

General Chemistry 1 (CH110) is one of the compulsory courses for the first semester, and is interested in a comprehensive study of :-Introduction, measurement, the atomic theory, the study of atom, Atomic number, the periodic table, Molecules and ions, chemical formula, naming compounds, introduction to organic chemistry, atomic number,Avogadro's number, molecular mass, chemical reaction and chemical equations, amount of reactions and products, reaction yield, general properties of aqueous solution, acid base reaction and oxidation and reduction ractions.

PH110 04 Compulsory +

Introduction to Mechanics is one of the initial and compulsory courses for students in the physics program and the study of this course the student must pass in order to allow him to download other courses based on it. This course aims to introduce the student to the units, dimensions, basic units, hardship units, order of magnitude, identification of scalars, vector quantities, and properties of vectors. as well as the study of the description of motion in one dimension as well as in two dimensions, and the study of the laws of free fall. and the study of linear dynamics, Newton's laws of motion, Newton's equations of motion. On the concept of work and motion, on the concept of energy and its relationship to work, and introducing some applications of the principle of energy.


2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EC235 02 General EC115 +

The course is presented to the student through lectures, and reliance on the educational assignment, which depends on collecting the theoretical concepts of the lesson and the possibility of applying them in the school, in addition to the educational dialogue that depends on the exchange of ideas, in addition to the use of learning

PH124-P PRACTICAL PHYSICS 1 01 Compulsory PH110 +

Conducting some experiments in the laboratory and proving the physical constants related to such as the acceleration constant of gravity, the density of some solids, the specific temperature of a solid body and finding a liquid viscosity, as the experimental results include some errors related to the experimental conditions and the incompleteness of measurement methods and physical devices, it is impossible to obtain the values with absolute accuracy, and therefore the possible errors that occur in the experiment play a decisive role in the validity of the experimental work, when comparing the experimental results with the laws Theory, the theoretical aspect related to the experiment is given at the beginning and then the experiment is applied in practice

PH123 SOUND AND LIGHT 04 Compulsory +

The course is one of the compulsory specialization courses for students in the physics program and the course aims to introduce the student to the exact meaning of light and its properties such as refraction, reflection and scattering. As well as identifying how images are formed from mirrors and lenses and their most important applications. And that the student can distinguish between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves, and that the student recognizes the meaning of sound and find the intensity of sound and the level of intensity


This course aims to introduce the student to the basics of electricity and its fields of application and the interpretation of physical phenomena and linking them to practical life. It also introduces the student to the atomic structure of matter, the nature of materials, the charge of matter and Coulomb's law. The student is also introduced to the electric field, the electric flux and Gauss's law. He also introduced him to current electrophysiology, Ohm's law, conductivity of components, and acquired practical and theoretical skills that will help him understand the courses he will study later.The student should be familiar with the knowledge and understanding of the types of electrical measurement devices and how to connect them to the electrical circuit and have the ability to operate the devices efficiently and the ability to choose the appropriate tools and use them correctly in the physical laboratories as well as the student has the ability to use equivalent devices when the required measuring devices are not available in the physical laboratories. The student is also able to solve electrical problems and circuits based on scientific foundations

PH120S GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to enable students to understand general chemistry, including gases and solutions, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, reaction kinetics, and acid equilibrium.


MA121 2 GENERAL MATHEMATICS 03 Compulsory +

It is a scientific and mathematical subject given in the second semester. It aims to provide the student with a background in the basic concepts of integration, methods of integration and its applications in order to study advanced courses in the program. This course deals with definite integration, indefinite integration, methods of integration, applications and theory of integration

GC122 02 General GC112 +

GC121 02 General GC111 +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GC231 02 General GC121 +

GC234 02 General +

It is a scientific, mathematical and statistical subject given in the second semester. It is represented in organizing statistical data and methods of presenting them in tables and graphics, then summarizing them numerically by calculating measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, denominations, percentiles, skewness and kurtosis coefficient, and studying the relationship between the two variables through correlation and regression.

GC134 02 General +

PH235 MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 1 03 Compulsory PH111 +

The course is one of the compulsory specialization courses for students in the physics program and the course aims to introduce the student to the concept of mathematical physics, matrices and determinants, their properties and applications in physics,as well as the study of linear equations and linear structures, and solving the problems of eigenvalues, eigenvectors and vector space.The course also aims to make the student able to solve differential equations of the first and second order and the methods used for that and the physical applications related to them, Understand the concept of complex numbers, their polar representation, the derivation and continuity of complex functions, analytic functions, and Cauchy–Riemann equations.

PH234-P PRACTICAL PHYSICS 2 02 Compulsory PH122 +

This course aims to teach the skills to conduct experiments, write laboratory reports, and analyze graphs to understand physical


A course in the third chapter based on the general electricity material, where the sources of the magnetic field l electricity material, where the sources of the magnetic field and how to obtain it are identified, and an in-depth study of some of the laws of inductive influence, in-depth knowledge and understanding of AC circuits and its induction and self-induction sources, and identification

PH230 MECHANICS 1 03 Compulsory +

A theoretical subject based on the course General Sport 1 and General Sport 2 and an introduction to mechanics. The student studies the calculation of the center of mass of a particle system and knows how to derive and calculate the momentum of a particle and the particle system. Students learn the concept of elastic and inelastic collision. The student analyzes theoretically and practically some types of motion such as translational motion and rotational motion

EC236 02 General +

The general objective of including this course in the scientific program is to familiarize the student with the basic skills in teaching and to provide the student with positive attitudes towards the teaching profession and to introduce the student to the educational goals, their levels and classification, and to distinguish the student between general and specific goals and to introduce the student to the characteristics, characteristics, duties and roles of the multiple and varied successful teacher in teaching as well as to introduce the student It focuses on the nature of teaching and the traditional and modern view of teaching. The course also contributes to providing the student with the ability to plan some of the lessons prescribed for primary school students.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH241 THERMODYNAMICS 04 Compulsory PH111 +

A theoretical subject given in the fourth semester and the number of its unit is 4 units The course is one of the compulsory specialization courses for students in the physics program and the course aims to introduce the student On the basics of thermodynamics and its applications in physical processes and derive the equation of state for different systems and become able to distinguish the laws of thermodynamics and their different applications and the concept of stochasticism (entropy), as well as identify some of the thermodynamic potentials

PH245 03 Compulsory PH235 +

This course aims to enable the student to solve partial differential equations in general. And learn about the methods of applying partial differential equations in some physical phenomena. It shows a student how to solve some defective integrals using Gamma and Beta functions, and also to solve other special functions, such as the Bissell equation, Legendre, and Laguerre equations. The student should be familiar with how to find the magnitude of some limits for different types of functions and in different ways. The use of tests for some types of series in terms of convergence and divergence. The ability to formulate functions as series using Taylor and Maclaurin formulas.

GC144 03 not defined GC134 +

PH240 MECHANICS2 03 Compulsory +

GC241 02 General GC231 +

EC246 Bases of Curricula 02 Elective +

The course is presented to the students of the College of Education in all their specializations. The course is concerned with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the curriculum and the importance of studying it. It also recognizes the concepts related to the school curriculum, its foundations, pillars, elements and types, and to understand the great burden that falls on it as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. To provide opportunities for fruitful thinking and learning.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EC356 02 General +

ES355 Developmental Psychology 02 Elective +

Provide scientific research and its importance 1. The student should become acquainted with the subject of growth-induced obscurantism (advancement) 2. The student should be able to understand the importance of studying developmental psychology 3. The student should gain experience in research methods in developmental psychology 4. The student should become acquainted with the principles and laws of growth Influencing factors in developmental psychology

GC354 Measurement and evaluation 02 General GC234 +

The course aims to provide the student with the most important basic concepts in the field of measurement and evaluation and to define their role in the educational process, as well as addressing the definition of educational measurement and evaluation and identifying its characteristics, importance, objectives, tools, fields, levels and types, all the way to achievement tests and their types, types and methods of preparation and verification of their validity and reliability. Preparing and developing its standards in the light of analyzing its results.

PH350 03 Compulsory PH245 +

PH352 special teaching methods 02 Compulsory PH235 +

A course in the third chapter based on the general electricity material, where the sources of the magnetic field and how to obtain it are identified, and an in-depth study of some of the laws of inductive influence, in-depth knowledge and understanding of AC circuits and its sources, and identification of the coefficient of mutual induction and self-i

PH352-P PRACTICAL PHYSICS 3 02 Compulsory PH232 +

A practical subject based on general electricity, electrical and magnetic, where the student can acquire the skills of dealing with devices and equipment within the laboratory and how to use them, develop and improve the student's skills in preparing practical reports.

PH356 ATOMIC PHYSICS 03 Compulsory PH245 +

The course is one of the compulsory specialization courses for students in the physics program and the course aims to qualify students theoretically and practically so that they can continue their higher studies on the one hand and play a distinguished role in research, and qualify students theoretically and practically and work in scientific and industrial institutions, the importance of modern physics lies in that it has entered into all fields such as (X-rays, detection of cancerous tumors, magnetic resonance and others), The student also learns the most important concepts and basic principles of the theory of special and general relativity, as well as atomic models, finding the radii of orbits, as well as understanding the subject of X-rays, which qualifies them to work and research in all fields.

PH358 ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY 03 Compulsory EC116 PH235 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH360 QUANTUM MECHANICS 03 Compulsory PH356 +

PH471 03 Compulsory PH241 +

This course aims to distinguish the basic methods of statistical physics and their application to some systems such as ideal gas, to distinguish between macroscopic states and microscopic states of physical systems, to study statistical calculations of quantities in thermodynamics and their application in quantitative statistical mechanics and the study of classical statistics represented by the Maxwell Boltzmann statistics, the study of velocities and their types in the Maxwell Boltzmann statistics, and the quantum mechanics of statistics, represented by the Fermi-Dirac statistics and the Bose Einstein statistics

PH363-P 02 Compulsory PH352-P +

The course is one of the compulsory specialization courses for students in the physics program, and the course aims to provide the student with some skills about optical devices, their types and the way they work to make them familiar with the most important topics that they may face in natural physical phenomena in life, such as interference, diffraction, polarization, light sources, their types, methods of work, and how to deal with them to calculate the notch constant and set the Rydberg constant.Learning Outcomes:

PH363 03 Compulsory PH123 +

The study of wave motion and Maxwell's four equations and the study of light phenomena that prove its wave properties from light interference, which includes yung's experiment of double slit and thin films, Newton rings, Michaelson interferometer and its applications, and Prism of Frenel. Light diffraction includes Fraunhofer's single slit diffraction and diffraction notched and the ability of optical devices to contrast and analyze, polarization of light and includes methods of polarization and conversion of non-polarized light into polarized. The study of lasers, their properties and the mechanism of their occurrence.


A practical subject given in the sixth semester and depends on the theoretical basis of electronic and the student learns about the sufficient skills to design and conduct experiments and the methods of designing and applying devices and how to operate them in various departments in the laboratory and the student gets acquainted with the electronic and digital devices and how to design them..

PH362 ELECTRONIC 03 Compulsory PH232 +

A theoretical course in the sixth semester based on the decisions of electrical, magnetic and mechanics 2, where the student studies the classification of materials in terms of conductivity and that the student recognizes the basic principles of electronic and the student recognizes diodes, trisistors, amplifiers

GC123 English language2 02 General GC113 +

EC364 Research Methodology 02 General EC354 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EC475 03 General EC355 +

PH476 03 Compulsory PH356 +

A course given in the seventh semester, the number of units is 4 units, the course is one of the compulsory specialization courses for students in the physics program, and the course aims to introduce the student to the concept and structure of the atom, the components of the nucleus and its properties. And on the energy of nuclear binding and the concept of radioactivity, its types and units. And on nuclear reactions and reaction equations

PH476-P 02 Compulsory PH476 +

1- Introducing the devices and getting used to their use, how to conduct experiments, and acquire the skill of observation and conclusion.2- Clarify theoretical ideas in nuclear physics practically and link theory and experimentation.3- Developing the student's skills by writing laboratory reports.4- The student should go deeper into finding an explanation for the results of the experiments.The student should recognize the importance of using safety means inside the laboratory-5

PH477 03 Compulsory PH356 +

PH477-P 02 Compulsory PH477 +

The Advanced Solid State Lab course is one of the specialization courses in the department, and the course aims to consolidate theoretical concepts in physics by conducting practical experiments and linking physical facts to practical aspects of life.It also aims to train the student on scientific research, and the preparation of practical reports, and the course also aims to make the student able to design electrical circuits and laboratory experiments to study and understand physical laws, as well as the development of scientific intelligence and imaginative skills by the student's performance of the studied experiments and that the student recognizes the importance of using safety means inside the laboratory.

PH478 Teaching Practice 1 (Teaching applications) 02 Compulsory +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH481E Solar Energy 02 Elective +

The course is considered one of the elective specialization courses for students in the physics program and the course aims to introduce the student to the concept of renewable energy, its importance and uses, as well as the student is able to familiarize himself with the concept of solar cells, solar panels and wind turbines and their applications in daily life with his understanding of solar systems and examples of them and the method of operation and uses. The student will also learn about solar and renewable energy systems, how they work, their advantages, and the extent of their contributions to the development of modern science and technology.

PH488 Teaching Practice 04 Compulsory PH478 +

Teaching Practice is considered an essential pillar of teacher preparation and training programs and compulsory courses, as it contributes to preparing the student/teacher in preparation for his practice of the teaching profession and providing him with the information, skills, values ​​and attitudes necessary for him in his performance as a future teacher. It includes a number of activities, some of which take place in the college and others. In the cooperating school, where he gets involved in the real classroom situation to play his role as a trainee teacher who implements a set of activities under the cooperative supervision between the college and the Department of Education administration.