Bachelor in Mathematics

University of Tripoli - Department of Mathematics



. Get acquainted with the information, concepts and principles of mathematical sciences, which helps him in his profession as a mathematics teacher and in completing his postgraduate studies. Recognize and use educational information, concepts and principles that enable him to advance in his career. Design and implement teaching plans that use modern teaching strategies in teaching mathematics. Appreciate the importance of mathematics in relation to other sciences and in daily life. Uses information technology in scientific research and in the field of his profession in the future. · Uses scientific, critical and innovative thinking and problem-solving method in his field of specialization. Enjoys moral and religious values ​​and community service. He avoids selfishness, works in a team spirit, and has the ability to communicate and exchange ideas and skills.


Preparing qualified scientific cadres in the field of mathematics Raising the level of graduates of the Mathematics Department and preparing them well to meet the labor market Develop students' skills in the field of mathematics intellectually and practically Motivating students to be aware of the methods and skills of teaching and learning Rehabilitation of students educationally and scientifically in order to make the educational process a success Preparing students to join postgraduate studies in order to match the university curriculum of the department graduate with postgraduate studies Encouraging faculty members to conduct scientific research and to attend and participate in scientific conferences, workshops and seminars


He acquires a base of information, concepts, and principles of mathematical sciences, which helps him in his profession as a mathematics teacher and in completing his postgraduate studies. Interprets, analyzes and uses mathematical information, concepts and theories, and recognizes and uses educational information, concepts and principles that enable him to advance in his career. Designs and implements teaching plans using modern teaching strategies in teaching mathematics. Appreciates the importance of mathematics in relation to the rest of the sciences and in daily life. Uses information technology in scientific research and in the field of his future profession. Uses scientific, critical and innovative thinking and problem-solving method in his field of specialization. Enjoys moral and religious values ​​and community service. He avoids selfishness, works in a team spirit, and has the ability to communicate and exchange ideas and skills.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Science and Education in Mathematics

Entry Reuirements

The student must have a high school diploma, the scientific section, from a Libyan school approved by the Ministry of Education To have the approved percentile for admission to enroll in the college If the applicant is a non-Libyan, it is required that he reside in the State of Libya as a habitual residence throughout the period of his studies

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Mathematics prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Mathematics. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 131 units, which include 44 units of general subjects, and 72 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IS100 02 General +

This course aims to introduce the student to the pillars of the Islamic religion and to indicate the need for it, and to know the concept of faith and Islam and their rooting, and to know the conditions of faith in terms of work and belief, and to know the Islamic sects in general, and the reasons for their origin, and to know the harm of exaggeration in religion and the prohibition of it, and to identify some of the jurisprudence of prayer, fasting, zakat and pilgrimage, to know the illuminations from the Prophet's biography, and the most important features of Islamic ethics and etiquette.

MM101 General Mathematics 1 04 Compulsory +

The main objective of studying general mathematics 1 is to build the student’s foundation in mathematics due to the important basics contained in this course, beginning with groups, then periods, then solving inequalities, down to functions and their types, finding the end of the function, and studying continuity in preparation for the derivation. This course is a beginning and an introduction to all other courses.

AR100 Arabic Language 1 02 General +

This course aims to familiarize the student with grammatical terms such as speech and what consists of it, as well as knowing the sections of the word (noun, verb, letter) and differentiating between them and understanding the expression and construction and knowing the usefulness of expression and knowing the six names, Muthanna, collecting Al-Madkar Al-Salem, the five verbs and collecting the feminine Al-Salem, the noun that does not go out, the present tense verb and its types, distinguishing between knowledge and denial, and understanding the types of knowledge.


The course aims to know the basic concepts of the computer and clarify the basic applications and processes that help in office work and other fields, as well as linking the benefits provided by the computer in the scientific and practical lives of students

ST101 Introduction to Statistics Course 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with an initial introduction to statistics, as it focuses on the most important elements of statistics, which is descriptive statistics, with the aim of deepening students' abilities to solve some problems statistically and overcome them by learning the concept of data collection, organization and analysis using various statistical measures, as well as the student gains the ability to understand the relationship between different phenomena in terms of their direction and behavior and design a mathematical model that simulates this relationship and who has been used to predict future values. It is also a skill to understand the basic concepts in probability


The course aims to introduce students to the nature of psychology, its history, branches, objectives, importance, schools, and curricula, as it aims to introduce students to the nature of motives, emotions, and higher mental processes, including sensation, attention, remembering, forgetting, intelligence, learning.


The course deals with the concept of education and its philosophy through a historical study of the development of various educational ideas and theories. It also deals with the concept of the philosophy of Islamic education, its philosophers and pioneers, as well as culture (its concept - characteristics - elements), socialization, and educational institutions.

MM103 Planar Analytic Geometry 03 Compulsory +

This course includes studying coordinate systems and their relationship to each other, understanding vectors, finding the equation of a straight line in its various forms, writing the equation of a circle and identifying its properties, explaining conic sections of their types and determining the difference between them from the function statement, and solving equations in polar coordinates

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR101 Arabic Language 2 02 General AR100 +

This course aims to familiarize the student with grammatical and spelling terms: such as the nominal sentence, and familiarity with everything related to the transcriber: Kan and her sisters, Wan and her sisters, Think and her sisters, and Kad and her sisters, and what each of them does when entering the sentence, and to know the expression of each word in the sentence, and to know the open Taa positions, and the linked Taa.

MM102 General Mathematics 2 03 Compulsory MM101 +

Develop understanding of some basic concepts in integration and the ability to solve problems related to it, identify the arithmetic and geometric series and deduce some methods in finding integration and the ability to integrate trigonometric functions and their types. Also, learn about solving exponential and logarithmic functions.

MM104 spatial engineering 02 Compulsory MM103 +

The student's ability to understand some basic concepts of the system of Cartesian, spherical and cylindrical unites, identify vectors, vector algebra and some properties on them, as well as the comparison between the plane equation and the straight line equation, and determine the angle bisectors between two planes and straight lines, and to solve all issues related to spatial geometry and connection Between the topics of the course and the previously studied analytical geometry, as well as realizing the importance of this course because many courses depend on it, and he can find the equation of the straight line in space and the equation of the plane in space.


This course aims to give the learner a theoretical idea of the nature and concept of teaching, and to identify the most important standards and basic principles of the process of good teaching, and the most important characteristics of a good teacher and the dimensions of his personality, and also aims to provide the learner with the most important general principles of teaching strategies and what should be taken into account during their application, and to identify the most important modern trends in teaching materials and how to evaluate the results of learning for students, and prepare learners to do teaching.


The course aims to identify the history and development of evolutionary psychology and the purpose of studying it and the importance, the laws and general principles of growth, growth theories and their relationship to the learning process, research methods in the study of human growth, factors affecting growth, stages of growth and their characteristics and requirements.

ST102 Introduction to Probability Course 03 Compulsory ST101 +

This course aims to build knowledge and become fully acquainted with the scientific development of the science of statistics through identifying the second branch of the science of statistics, which is statistical inference. This is done by getting acquainted with the concept of statistical methods, their nature and principles in a comprehensive manner from the study and analysis of life phenomena, and by reaching rational and objective statistical decision-making. Realizing the priorities of statistical applications and standing on their importance. It also aims to apply statistical concepts to study sampling distributions and their properties. It aims to study point estimation and period estimation about community features that are usually unknown, especially in large and unlimited societies. Study the most important statistical tests and how to use them in the scientific and applied fields


The course aims to complete the basic concepts of the computer and give the student all the possibilities offered by the computer in all fields, as well as clarifying the basic applications and operations that help in office work and other fields, and linking the benefits provided by the computer in the scientific and practical life of students

MM105 Linear Algebra 1 03 Compulsory +

This course includes an adequate study of matrices and their types, algebraic operations defined on them, identification of the properties of matrices, finding the axis of the matrix, the inverse of the matrix, identification of determinants, and solving all problems related to matrices and determinants, and the vector space and the connection between it and its properties.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IS101 02 General +

This course aims to introduce the student to the importance of Islamic legislation in deriving rulings and understanding Sharia and its consequences, and introducing the sources of Islamic legislation, the "Holy Qur'an", its collection, copies and connotations, and the "Sunnah of the Prophet" its authenticity, divisions and its relationship with the Holy Qur'an, and "consensus" its conditions and authenticity, and "measurement" its conditions, examples and authenticity, and knowing the praiseworthy ijtihad and blameworthy ijtihad and differentiating between them, and introducing the "sent interests", its conditions, authenticity and examples.

MM201 General Mathematics3 03 Compulsory MM102 +

The aim of giving this course is to familiarize the student with a great deal of important and comprehensive topics from which he will benefit a lot in other courses after passing this course. Among the general objectives of this course is to compare functions in several variables and find their range and range, as well as knowing the graph of any range, as well Knowing how to find limits for any function and discussing continuity, as well as the student being able to find partial derivatives of the first and higher orders, implicit differentiation and the chain rule, as well as knowing the directional derivative and gradient, as well as knowing the concept of double integration and triple integration and comparing them in terms of their properties, calculations and applications To recognize sequences and series and compare them, and to know the convergence and divergence of series

MM203 sets theory 02 Compulsory MM102 +

The main objective of studying the set theory course is to provide the student with the methods used and appropriate to prove the various theories, the mechanism of their implementation, knowledge of the mathematical symbols used in mathematics, the identification of different types of groups and operations on them, the Cartesian product and the indexed groups, and this course is considered the basis on which the rest of the other courses are built. Especially the abstract

MM205 Linear Algebra 2 03 Compulsory MM105 +

The aim of giving this course is to familiarize the student with a great deal of important and comprehensive topics, from which he will benefit greatly in other courses after passing this course. Among the general objectives that the student acquires after successfully completing the course is his study of vectors and their properties, as well as his study of vector spaces, vector space conditions, and knowledge of subspace , and proving some related theories, knowing the concept of linear structure, correlation, linear independence, the generated group, knowing the concept of base and dimension, as well as learning about linear transformations and the internal multiplication space and its properties, and comparing eigenvalues ​​and eigenvectors, and being able to link all the skills and experiences he learned from This course is similar to other skills in other locations.

MM206 03 Compulsory MM105 +

This course contains an adequate study of vectors, finding the resultant of a group of vectors that are represented in force vectors, whether these vectors are in a plane or in a vacuum, and whether these vectors meet at a point or are scattered in space, and it studies equilibrium, moments, coupling, and the bore resultant.


Definition of the course of educational science, good education, its concept, origin, historical development, historical value, importance, curricula, and identify the concept of good appearance and its conditions, and also know well its theories and measurement, attention and theories.


The course aims to enable the learner to distinguish between the traditional and modern trends of the concept of the curriculum, and to introduce him to the elements of the curriculum and introduce him to the elements of the curriculum as a system and the teacher's role in it, as well as the foundations on which the curriculum is based in the different stages of education, and to introduce the learner to some methodological organizations, and the course also aims to introduce the learner to how to develop the curriculum system, and the steps of development and considerations to be taken into account when developing the educational curriculum system and training him to deal with the curriculum of the education stage, and evaluate and adapt it so that Commensurate with the needs of learners and the needs of their community.

AR213 Arabic Language 3 02 General AR101 +

The course aims to be able to acquire language abilities, by identifying a number of terms, rules and grammatical functions, so he recognizes the actual sentence, the subject, the deputy subject, the transitive verb, the necessary verb, the object, the absolute effect, the object for it, the object in it, the object with it, the exception and its pillars, the situation, discrimination, and the soft alif.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MM204 vector analysis 02 Compulsory MM105 +

The main objective of the study of vector analysis is to familiarize yourself with the concept of vectors, operations on them, vectors in three dimensions, vector differentiation and integration, the study of vectorial effects and the Laplace effect, and their applications, given the importance of vectors in mathematics and other sciences, in addition to being a prerequisite for the study of statics

MM207 dynamics 03 Compulsory MM206 +

This course is considered the second entrance to mechanics after statics, and in this course the focus is on the force acting on a body, and the change that it causes on the body from a change in motion, regardless of the resulting change in the shape and size of the body, as well as studying equilibrium, movement in one dimension, In an inclined plane, curvilinear motion, uniform circular motion, Newton's laws, gravitational force and centripetal force, friction, collision, rebound, work, power, potential energy, conservative energy and the law of conservation of energy.

MM215 Methods of teaching mathematics 02 Compulsory GS201 +

The main objective of studying mathematics teaching methods is to provide the student with the methods used and appropriate for teaching various mathematics topics, the mechanism for their implementation, knowledge of the characteristics of the mathematics teacher, dealing with individual differences among students, knowledge of the teaching methods that can be used, and knowledge of the different methods of evaluation, in preparation for the field study and beyond. .

ST202 Mathematical Statistics Course 03 Compulsory ST102 +

The aim of this course is to introduce an introduction to distribution theory including: Student’s knowledge of the basic probability theory, , random variables, their types, and properties, the name of the distribution, the mathematical formula of its functions, and some of its properties and applications. This course will also provide famous discrete probability distributions, famous continuous probability distributions, the central moments, the non-central moments, the moment generating function, and the probability-generating function

AR216 Arabic Language 4 02 General AR213 +

This course aims through its vocabulary to the student's effort to understand and realize the meaning of subordinates in grammar by studying the topics of participles, conjunctions, emphasis and allowance and related provisions in terms of matching the subordinate to the followed semantically and syntactically, as well as the student's understanding of the topics of grammatical methods and differentiating between them and the way they are expressed and supporting all of this with applied examples in addition to understanding the spelling rules established as punctuation marks and applying them through prose texts that are given during the lecture.


The course aims to understand the historical development of knowledge, develop their abilities to think scientifically, and enable them to use the scientific method in solving problems, and also aims to understand students of the types of research in educational and psychological sciences and how to apply, also provide them with the ability to understand the results of research and benefit from them and train them on how to choose research topics and how to formulate the problem, questions, objectives and importance and choose the appropriate statistical methods to process pure data and how to use data collection tools in educational research, It humiliates them to write graduation projects according to a scientific methodology.

MM202 Ordinary differential equations 1 03 Compulsory MM105 +

Preparing the student to deal with equations that contain differentials and his knowledge of the different types of ordinary differential equations, as well as distinguishing between the types of ordinary differential equations and preliminary methods of solving ordinary differential equations and deducing the geometric interpretation of the meaning of the differential equation by practicing the learning skills in the study of the Laplace transform

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MM309 School Mathematics 1 02 Compulsory +

The main objective of the study of school sports 1 is to prepare and train the student and prepare him to stand in the actual classroom and explain the mathematics curriculum in the middle school stage, which is a fertile ground on which the student stands in the future and is a basic requirement for practical education


The course aims to familiarize the student with the basic concepts in the field of educational evaluation, its importance, characteristics, types, how to build a table of specifications, familiarity with the concepts and scientific foundations of tests, their types, methods of preparation, defects and advantages, and their use in educational measurement and evaluation.

MM301 Ordinary differential equations 2 02 Compulsory MM202 +

The course discusses ways to solve problems of differential equations correctly and distinguishes what ordinary differential equations are accurately to summarize the methods of solving differential equations in their different ways and defines the basic matrix for solving differential equations as well as proposes ways to solve a differential equation and derives a way to find the special solution to a differential equation Power series are used to solve differential equations and Proficient in team work to solve a differential equation

MM307 Mathematical logic 02 Compulsory MM203 +

Mention the concept of the case, the mathematical operation, and the open sentences. Distinguish between the main conjunction and other subsidiary conjunctions in the same case. Infer the sufficient and necessary condition of the conditional and the conditional double case. Apply the principle of inference and the principle of compensation and find complements to cases. Distinguish between restricted variables and free variables. Distinguish between types of logical argument in terms of being true or false. It uses the methods of mathematical proof both according to the operative and the data. Applying and generalizing the principle of mathematical inference. A counterexample is used in the absence of proof. Linking the types of proofs used in proof and distinguishing between direct proof and formal proof. Generalizing the rules of mathematical reasoning on functions and propositions.

MM305 Composite analysis 1 03 Compulsory MM201 +

The course aims to introduce the student to complex numbers and algebraic operations on them, and to provide him with the skills of dealing with functions in complex variables from elementary functions and studying them in detail, as well as studying the topology of the complex level, the graphic representation of complex functions, the polar representation of the complex number, the derivation of complex functions, and the classification of irregular points.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MM308 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 03 Compulsory CS101 MM205 +

The course aims to introduce the student to the numerical problems that can face us when building numerical algorithms to solve some mathematics problems numerically, and also to introduce the student to the basic numerical methods and how to use them to find approximate numerical solutions to some of these problems that are difficult to solve by algebraic or analytical methods. It enables the student specifically to: explain the use of numerical methods in solving various scientific problems when it is difficult or impossible to solve them by analytical methods, and use numerical methods to find approximate solutions to the problems posed With the use of computers such as derivation and integration, also the application of numerical integration to calculate non-computable integrals through original functions, matrix analysis and the habit of using large-dimensional matrices, training in exercises in lecture, at home and in office hours, searching the Internet, and finally simplifying ways to find the solution of equations that need more than one method clearly and accurately.

CS202 Word processing 03 Compulsory CS100 CS101 +

This course sought to show the ability to use any word processing application to achieve the daily tasks associated with creating, formatting and finalizing small-sized text files such as documents and other daily files. And getting acquainted with the word processor program with skill, and electronic programs as well, and practicing computer skills effectively to facilitate the solution of equations that are difficult to solve by traditional methods, and familiarity with modern trends in the field of automatic indexing and the use of Internet sites to benefit, as well as identifying documents and saving them in different formats, and finally Practical application On operating systems, office programs and dealing with the Internet

MM310 School Math2 02 Compulsory MM309 +

The main objective of studying school sports 1 is to prepare and train the student and prepare him to stand in the actual classroom, and to explain the mathematics curriculum in the secondary stage, which serves as a fertile ground on which the student stands in the future, and it is a basic requirement for practical education. Personality of the student teacher

MM303 Real analysis1 03 Compulsory MM201 +

He studies the many-dimensional spaces in a correct way, and analyzes and interprets the laws previously studied in the two-dimensional general space

MM302 Abstract algebra 1 03 Compulsory MM203 +

The course aims to introduce the student to some distinct ways of thinking that give important results and that embody that the reality of algebra is the link between other branches of mathematics. For groups, the permutations group, as well as the study of homology, which is considered one of the important topics for the abstract.

GS303 TEACHING AIDS 02 General +

This course examines the student's familiarity with the concept, importance, stages, elements and means of communication and their role in the educational process, the concept of the educational method, its types and classifications, the foundations of its preparation, advantages and disadvantages, methods of selection, production and use while taking advantage of the possibilities of the local environment.


The course aims to provide the student with the most important knowledge in the field of school administration in theory and practice by studying the concept of school administration, its origin, development and its relationship with the public, educational, educational and classroom administration, and to identify the importance of school administration and its role in organizing and coordinating technical and administrative work in the school, as well as identifying the tasks and skills of the school principal and his features and the difficulties he faces in performing his work and the tasks of his employees, in addition to studying realistic cases in school administration to link the theoretical side in practice.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MM306 Complex analysis 2 03 Compulsory MM305 +

In this course, the student will delve deeper into the study of advanced topics in complex analysis of sequences and series, study their divergence and convergence, important theories to study their properties, and study complex integration in a detailed manner with several important theories such as Cauchy's theory of integration and Cauchy's theorem for integration - path independence theorem - loop theorem - Cauchy's formula theorem as well Taylor and Laurent theories and the use of Laurent's theory in the classification of tensile points.

MM304 real analysis 2 03 Compulsory MM303 +

It studies some laws in the derivation of real functions in a simplified analytical way. It effectively deduces methods of analyzing mean value theorems and Rolle's theory. It explains and analyzes mathematical problems related to calculus. He studies the famous sequences and series, proves Riemann integrations, analyzes their properties, and analyzes Riemannian integration theories brilliantly and accurately.

MM403 Abstract algebra 2 03 Compulsory MM302 +

The course aims at acquiring the student’s skills related to rings, domains, ideals, primary and great ideals, division rings, morphology and their properties. Through these concepts, the student acquires and learns the ability to demonstrate, the ability to abstract and generalize, and acquire sound thinking skills, learn methods of proof, link between theories and examples, and identify a new type of important examples. .

GS402 TEACHING PRACTICE 1 02 General +

Practical education is a prerequisite in the process of preparing and training the teacher in teaching situations through micro-teaching through lectures, the actual application of observation, observation, and direct interaction.

MM405E linear programming 03 Elective +

This course includes how to formulate mathematical models for production and service issues, knowledge of the components of contextual linear programming problems, analysis of context problems, post-optimization analysis, and benefit from this course in understanding some of the vocabulary of the numerical analysis course.

MM406E Functional analysis 03 Elective +

The aim of giving this course is to familiarize the student with important topics that complement what he studied in the courses Real Analysis 1 and Real Analysis 2. This course is one of the most important elective courses in the educational program. Among the general objectives of this course is for the student to compare what he studied in this course with what he studied in the two courses of Real Analysis 1 and 2 and linking them and getting acquainted with the concept of metric space and the proof of some theories on it and the concept of Banach space. To identify the linear functions and effects, to compare the Albert space and the Banach space, to prove some important theories, and to suggest some proofs to prove these theories.

MM407E History of mathematics 03 Elective +

The aim of the course is to introduce students to the origins of mathematics and its various applications such as algebra and geometry. It also aims to introduce students to the achievements of Arab scientists in this field, and to develop students’ capabilities to absorb and understand the stages of development that mathematics has gone through, such as the development of numbers and arithmetic operations. The course aims to introduce the student to how to develop analytical geometry and develop calculus, and the number of Arab translators and their contribution to the transfer of mathematics sciences from and to through ancient civilizations. There are some questions the course aims to answer, namely: Did previous civilizations need mathematics? How did this science arise? What is the history of numbers and mathematical operations across civilizations? Who invented zero? How do you branch out mathematics into its main branches?

MM408E Operations Research 03 Elective +

The course aims to identify the concept of operations research and to give knowledge of the main concepts and tools on which operations research relies, such as linear programming and the formation of simplex tables graphically and algebraically, and to learn to build actual algorithms, and this is accompanied by the application of these algorithms and the skill of solving problems through the use of various methods such as transfer, network analysis, substitution, and others Easily.

MM409E Integral equations 03 Elective +

The student is acquainted with the initial concepts of the integral equation, the deduction of the integral equations, the Volterra and Friedholm equation, the classification of the integral equation according to the nucleus, the development of the connection between differential equations and the integral equations, the use of Leibniz's rule to find the derivative of the integral equations, and the realization of the state nucleus method in solving the Voltaire equation and transforming The issue of initial values ​​to the Volterra and Friedholm equation and vice versa

GS401 02 General GS302 +

This course examines in a brief historical overview of mental health and the development of the concept of mental health and its relationship with other sciences, as well as looking for psychological compatibility and the most important magazines of psychological compatibility and its relationship to achievement, and deals with psychological needs and means of defending them, and searches for some neurotic mental illnesses, including anxiety, schizophrenia, obsessiveness, and depression, and deals with general concepts of psychotherapy and methods of psychotherapy, and mental health theories, as well as models of mental problems and disorders.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS403 Practical education 2 02 General GS402 +

Practical education is a basic requirement in the process of preparing and training the teacher in teaching situations through mini-teaching through lectures, the actual application of observation and observation, and direct interaction.

MM404 graduation project 04 Compulsory +

It prepares the student to choose the subject in one of the fields of theoretical and applied mathematical sciences, to develop previous independent study skills, to develop scientific writing style and presentation techniques, to gain self-reliance, and to acquire the ability to deal with advanced topics through self-study and project supervision from one of the members. The teaching staff of the internal regulations organizing the project

MM401 Partial differential equations 03 Compulsory MM301 +

The originator of the partial equation and the partial equation of the first order, as well as the methods of solving it, the semi-linear partial differential equation and its solutions, the Cauchy problem, the partial differential equation of the second order, the methods of its solution, the problems of initial and boundary values, and Fourier series to applications to partial differential equations.